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Oisín smiled, and I swear it was weird how they spoke each other’s sarcastic language. “I’d like that. It’s a good way to spend time with my littlest sister. Well, currently my only sister. Paladria passed away a while back.”

“I’m sorry, Oisín. Sucks I’ll never meet her. How did she pass?” Diana inquired.

“Damon snapped her neck and burnt her remains. She was half human, so she wasn’t as strong as the rest of us, and he saw that as a weakness…” Oisín seemed genuinely sad about it. “He may not seem like a threat, but he’s just as powerful as all of us. He’s fucking unhinged, and that’s coming fromme.”

Diana shifted forward, taking her brother’s hand, as she spoke to him. “Don’t worry, we’ll end him. No one fucks with me, my guys, or my family and gets away with it.”

“Hades as my witness, I’ll turn his blood into dye for my war uniform,” Ares said. “The cape and feather on the top of my helmet are due for a spruce-up.”

“That’s why I like you, Ares. You’re resourceful and have a can-do attitude,” Oisín commented. “And when I was a cat, you always gave me snacks.”

“You reminded me of the tiger I had when I lived on Olympus, Bruce. He lived for fifty years, and I owe it to his diet. I exclusively fed him the organs and entrails of my enemies.”

“An iron rich diet does a body good,” Oisín quipped.

“And there goes my appetite,” Diana sighed, bringing her plate to the sink, shaking her head. “Charlie and I want to go for a walk around the resort, maybe hang out by the pool for a few hours. Can someone prep me when I get back, so I know who the major players at this meeting are? How they think?”

“Yeah, dollface, I got you. Bring one of us with you, please? Just so we know you’re safe.”

She looked around. “Does anyone want to come to the pool?”

“I do,” Mal and Oisín said together.

“I’ll see both of you in thirty minutes. I gotta get changed,” she said over her shoulder as she walked toward her room.

Oisín faded out, presumably to get ready. I had a feeling hanging out with his sister was only one of the reasons he wanted to go.

“Az, do you want to come see Judas? We’re going to get some last-minute things together before the meeting tonight. We can grab some lunch afterward?” Desmond asked me, a nervous redness spreading over his cheeks. It was cute to see a scary, grown ass demon who assassinated and tortured more than his fair share of people blush.

“Yeah, give me a few to get out of my sweats.”

When I went into the room I’d been sharing with Bash to get dressed, I couldn’t help but smirk. That was Desmond trying. Maybe this whole arrangement wouldn’t blow up in my face after all.

Chapter 19

“Emilio Cordova is the head of the Mala Luna Pack. They’re based in Central America, and his ancestors were strong supporters of your father’s reign because he loosened restrictions on recruitment and pack growth, which Red has since restricted. I don’t know much about them, except that they have alliances with werewolf packs in Mexico, Texas, and Florida. Judas trusts them.” I recounted all of the information I knew about them to Diana as she put the finishing touches on her makeup.

She wore black winged liner, mascara, a smokey eye, and crimson lipstick that perfectly accentuated the curve of her bottom lip. She was stunning without it all, but with it, she looked badass as fuck.

“Anyone else I should know about?” she asked, rising from the vanity in her bathroom and walking to her closet. Her black satin robe swayed as she moved, and I had trouble focusing.

I had spent so much time strategizing our next steps and pulling this meeting together that I barely had time with Diana since we arrived in Vegas. I was trying to take the talk we had seriously. Instead of controlling everything, I asked her opinions. I stopped treating her like a child, and if I asked her to do something that seemed excessively controlling, I gave her the reason why–usually because of safety. Despite how angry I was with her for time-hopping, I didn’t freak out or blow up at her. I swallowed my feelings instead and threwmyself into planning the meeting and reaching out to contacts we’d made throughout the centuries.

“Your brother invited some of his people. I don’t know them all, but I know they’ll be loyal to you because you’re related to him,” I responded.

“That’s comforting…” her voice quivered slightly, and her shoulders were stiff. She let out a deep breath as she eyed an outfit on the hanger.

I crossed the room and stood behind her, close enough that I could feel her body heat and smell the perfume she’d dabbed on her neck. She smelled sharp and spicy, with a hint of floral undertones. I held her against me and undid her robe, pushing it off her shoulders and letting it pool on the floor. She exhaled, her shoulders loosening up as she melted into me.

“I’ve missed you these past couple of days,” she confessed as I teased her neck with kisses. “You’ve put so much work into planning this meeting and gathering people we can count on, and I appreciate that.”

Knowing she appreciated my hard work made the time I spent away from her worthwhile. I still heard the uncertainty in her tone and heard the rapid thumping of her heartbeat. She needed to relax before the meeting, find her confidence again. The men and women in that room were some of the most powerful supernatural beings in the world, and they’d smell her insecurity a mile away. I ran my hands over her exposed breasts, kneading the soft flesh until she moaned. Running my teeth over the tendon in her neck, I turned us around and bent her over the bed.

“If you didn’t spend so much time getting ready for such an important occasion, I’d take my time fingering and feasting on your pussy, stopping every time you came close to finishing. Every time I’d let you get closer and closer to the edge, making it that much more painful when I denied you the orgasm you desperately needed,” I whispered in her ear. My gravelly voice washed over her, making her breath stutter. “That would be the beginning of your punishment for your time-hop stunt.”

“Then what would you do to me?” she said, her voice husky, full of desire and anticipation.

I knelt and spread her folds, so I had a good view of her sex. I licked from her clit to her hole, dipping my tongue inside her and fucking her lightly before switching back to her sensitive little nub.
