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Her magic is miles ahead of where it was when we were all at the mountain house…and I would fuck her every second of everyday if I could,Ares linked me. He got this weird crazy gleam in his eyes as he directed his focus on Diana, but I let it go. I wouldn’t even pretend to understand how his mind worked.

Zaz didn’t respond just yet, but that was typical for him. Sometimes he needed time to reflect on something before he spoke on it. Diana walked over to her nonna, who sat by the rock wall with Mal. While they had a conversation, I got the guys’ attention, and we all huddled together near the sparring mats.

I casted a silencing spell, since not all of us were mindlinked. “I think the reason Diana improved so much is because she was freshly fucked before she came here.”

“That tracks. Her magic is based on emotion, unfortunately,” Desmond lamented. He ran his hand through his thick, fire-red hair, sighing.

“No,fortunatelyfor us, Des. There’s five of us, and we all love fucking her six ways to Sunday. You think emotions are bad, but making her feel good is a lot more sustainable than the random anger or stress outbursts she was having at the mountain house,” I explained.

“Is she using sex magic?” Mal thought aloud, rubbing his cleanly shaven face. “I’m aware she doesn’t know much about it, but she could be doing it subconsciously like she does with the feature morphing.”

“If she’s capable of growing horns out of nowhere, then she’s more than capable of using sex magic. It’s not a particularly hard medium…Although, some of us need to be hard to do it.Am I right?!” Ares cackled.

“That’s a thought…” Az said, smiling at us all. “It very well could be, or she could be using sex to boost her overall mood and frame of mind. I think we need to do more research on this. Test out our hypothesis.”

“The Greeks invented science,” Ares proudly stated, puffing his chest as he lifted his shirt, pointing to a male bust on his left rib cage. I had seen it before, but never really paid it much attention compared to his other tattoos. “Aristotle, the first scientist and originator of the causation method of observation, where he explains natural phenomena through cause, effect, and change.” We all looked at him in various degrees of shock. It wasn’t every day the crew’s resident psychopath spouted off scientific theories. “I’m not just a pretty face, sculpted muscles, and winning personality. I knoweverythingabout Greek culture and history.”

Bollocks, he truly did. Diana walked back over to us, and I ended the silencing spell. She stood in between Az and me, with a tiny frown on her face.

“Nonna thinks I need to spend more time on mastering time travel. I think she’s scared of all the things that could go wrong…” She worried her bottom lip, peering up at Az through thick, black lashes.

“I’m working on getting my friend over here to give you lessons. He works for the Magical Bureau of Investigations and is mid-case, so we have to wait until he’s free,” he replied.

“Okay. Are we going to eat anytime soon? I'm getting hangry.” Diana said. “I can’t live off jizz and water all day.”

“Well, no, not if you’re only drinking jizz from one of us. We’d have to do a circle jerk for it to be a full meal,” Ares debated.

Where the fuck did he come up with this shit?Diana blinked at him, zoning out for a minute and then snapping out of whatever daydream she had. She looked to the rest of us for support on getting some real food.

“How about we call room service and have them bring food up here, that way we can keep training. Time is of the essence, honey,” Azazel commented.

“Fine,” she huffed. She threw an energy ball at Desmond, using the element of surprise to hit him square in the chest and knock the wind out of him. He doubled over in pain, wheezing. “I’m going to attack you all one by one until I get some food then. Someone better get me some tacos from room service before I do some serious damage.”

She geared up to attack me next, but I materialized a blocking shield right before her magic made any impact. “As long as all of us make it to the spellcasting tonight, do whatever you want.” I went to the corded phone on the wall, and ordered a taco platter, with beef, chicken, and vegetable fajita fillings and a topping bar for us all. I added an assortment of water and drinks, with guac and chips as a side. I never thought I’d claim a source again, let alone be the kind of guy who doted on them, but taking care of Diana felt good. I wanted everything from her, including her gratitude and the knowledge that she was taken care of because of me.

While I was ordering, she had cornered Desmond, who retaliated by trapping her in a bounce-back shield. Any magic she cast within the shield would come back to her. She caught on quickly and was already looking for ways to get out. She cast a white-hot flame at Desmond, ducking before it could get back to her. It hit the other side of the shield and cracked it, allowing her follow-up shots to penetrate and short circuit it.

Something told me that even with the five of us protecting her and taking care of her, she would be more than capable of doing it on her own soon.

Chapter 23

Desmond and I left training early to help Angie and Nonna set up the summoning spell. As the only experienced members of our crew with witch powers, it seemed fitting that we’d facilitate the spell and funnel everyone’s combined powers. Diana, Angie, Nonna, Desmond, Ares, Bash, Azazel, Oisín, and myself would all be participating tonight, so hopefully our combined power could somehow find the elusive Lucifer. We planned to use blood magic to summon him. Was it a sound plan? In theory, yes, but we had no clue if it would work or not. Lucifer was one of the most powerful supernatural beings of all time. If he didn’t want to be summoned, he would block it.

“Okay, do we think this salt outline is thick enough to contain him?” Angie asked. The salt-chalk she used to draw the circle was about three inches thick, and left a reasonably thick line behind.

“Yeah, I think so,” I replied. I used my telekinesis to round out an edge, so the circle was perfectly round.

“So you were allowed to keep your magic, even after becoming a hellbound?” Angie asked as she noticed the change I made to her circle. Nonna shot her a stern glare, but she dismissed it. “Sorry to ask, but I’ve never met a hellbound…and I’m curious about you, since you’re with my niece.”

“That’s understandable. Yes, I’m still a warlock with complete use of my powers. I can also fade now, like a demon can, and I’m immortal. The caveat is that I’m bound to Hell for eternity, and I have to recharge my magic by feeding on the fears, sadness, and anxieties of others. When I feed, I experience their fear.”And the fear of the victim I wronged when I committed the atrocity that made me this way…but she didn’t need to know that.

“That sounds intense. How have you been recharging your power since you arrived here?” she inquired.

“Oh, it’s been easy pickings. Gamblers have so much anxiety and fear when they’re on a downswing. I just wait around until I find someone who’s really messing up, and then I’m set.”

“Angie, stop asking him such personal questions,” Nonna snapped at her. Angie didn’t even have the shame to look contrite about it. She just shrugged and went about her business. “Thank you for coming around last night and helping us sort everything. That was kind of you.”

“Anytime. I enjoyed shopping for ingredients with you. That apothecary shop on the third floor put the shops we had in my heyday to shame,” I remarked. It was good to get to know Diana’s family. I wanted to show her I was serious about us and not just with her for sex. Although that was a huge bonus.
