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That’s what you were up to last night,Desmond linked me.I was wondering why you weren’t home. You missed a great time.

Yeah, a great time you were able to have because I lured them away from their suite. You’re all fucking lucky they don’t have superhearing. Angie wanted to come over and hang out with Diana, but I heard you all pounding her pussy into an early grave so I suggested we get stuff ready for tonight.

I was fine with it. Let them have their fun. I was in this for the long haul, and the best way into a woman’s heart was through her family. So, no matter how much Angie pried and didn’t mind her own business, I would let it go.

“When was your heyday exactly?” Angie asked. “You’re all old as fuck.”

“Angela!” Nonna shouted.

“No, it’s okay. I’m about 250 years old,” I said, trying my hardest to hold my sarcasm back. It was hard to remember the exact amount because once you get past 200 it’s all a blur until you hit 300. “Desmond was born in the fifth or sixth century. Bash is like, ridiculously old, and Ares is a Greek deity, so I have no clue how old he is.”

“Well, Diana definitely has daddy issues…” Angie said, raising her eyebrows. Nonna waved her hand in the air, hitting Angie in the ear with magic and making her double over. “Ow! What the focaccia, Ma!”

I never want to be on the receiving end of that,Desmond linked.Agreed, my friend.

I placed a few more candles around the circle, to add to the ambiance and increase the spellcasting power. That was one assumption that human movies and television got right–the more candles, the more powerful the magic. Desmond had finished writing the spell an hour ago, so he helped Nonna set up nine crystals around the perimeter of the circle, one for each participant. They had to be placed equal distances from each other and couldn’t touch the salt line. When everything was done, we mindlinked everyone to meet us.

Diana looked like a wet dream straight out ofThe Craft. She wore a high-waisted black skirt, a white, tucked-in Nirvana band tee, suspenders, and a chunky black choker necklace. The boots I got her completed the look perfectly. She caught me checking her out, and came straight for me, tilting her cheek toward me for a kiss. She didn’t even need to ask me. I was jonesing for her so badly that a peck on the cheek would barely take the edge off.

Ares followed her, slapping me on the ass, then grabbing my face in his fucking trashcan lid sized hands for a grossly inappropriate kiss. “Who’s ready to meet their father-in-law, The Daddy of Darkness?”

“Ew, please don’t refer to him that way,” Diana said, wrinkling her nose.

“Yeah, and your crazy ass is the only one excited to meet him. He’s not going to take kindly to us dating his daughter,” I reminded him. Ares had no sense of self-preservation or fear, constantly running toward danger like a man with a death wish.Thankfully, he’s immortal and can’t actually die… although if anyone could kill him, it would be Lucifer.

“No one, not even Lucifer, could separate me from you, Little G,” Ares cooed, his heart eyes almost bugging out of his head. He lifted her off the ground, crushing her to his chest and spinning her around. “Don’t be nervous if we end up summoning him.”

“Nervous isn’t the emotion you should all be worried about,” Desmond chimed in. “Diana, if wedosummon him, don’t hit him with the third degree right away. Give him a minute to get acclimated and for us to explain what’s going on.”

“I guess I can do that…” She walked over to Bash and Azazel, who were talking to Oisín. He was trying to explain to them how Druid magic was different from witch magic; it was much more based in nature and the elements.

“Alright, everyone, let’s get this started,” Nonna’s voice carried throughout the casting room. “We all need to take a seat on the floor at a crystal that calls to us, and join hands. Please be mindful not to touch the candles or the salt line,” she said, eyeing Diana as she said the last part. “Come here,Belissima.”

Diana sat between Nonna and Angie, in front of a larimar stone. I knew Diana wasn’t into crystals, so I found it ironic she chose to sit in front of one that helped extinguish anger and connect to your voice and heart.Hopefully that helps her with the resentment she holds for Lucifer and Michael.Nonna held Diana’s hand, palm up, and took a pocket knife from her jeans pocket. She slit the center of Diana’s hand quickly, letting the blood well up in her palm. “Malcolm, a little help?” I used my telekinesis to lift the blood off Diana’s hand, letting it fall in the dead center of the circle. The wound on Diana’s hand closed before the blood even dried on the floor.

I took a seat in front of the golden topaz, so I could sit directly across from her and have a good view of her face. The stone’s meaning wasn’t lost on me. It helped manifest good intentions. I wanted all of my dreams with Diana to come to fruition. Hopefully, this little yellow rock would help me with that.

“Mal, which one should I sit in front of, none of them are saying a word to me,” Ares asked.

“How about the amethyst stone, big guy? That way your crazy bullshit can be at a minimum if we actually manage to call Lucifer,” I sarcastically replied.

Bash laughed over by his side of the circle, and I wished I was actually joking, but I wouldn’t put it past Lucifer and Ares to start something. From what I’d heard about theDaddy of Darkness, he was batshit. Having those two in a room together could be like dropping a lit match in gasoline.

“Okay, now that everyone is seated, let’s go over how this works,” Desmond’s booming voice said, catching all of our attention. We all need to hold hands and chant the incantation aloud. I took the liberty of placing sheets of paper with the spell around the circle so you can glance at it. At Nonna’s insistence, I’ll lead the spell.”

“I think the most powerful practitioner in the circle should lead, even if you’re only half warlock,” she explained to the group.

“Understandable,” Bash agreed. “Do we need to shift? My magic is stronger if I’m shifted.”

“Yes, but shift now, so that anyone who isn’t used to seeing shifted demons can get used to it. I need everyone’s focus on the spell,” Desmond said.

Desmond removed his shirt and shifted first, the seams of his sweatpants ripping with his increase in size. He almost hit me with his left wing, but remembered to close them right before they made impact. Thankfully his junk was still covered.

Bash took off his shirt and shifted next. His wings weren’t as big as Desmond’s, but the bright indigo color drew everyone’s attention. Ares took off his shirt for no reason, seeing as he had no wings, and shifted. His golden glow radiated through the room, somehow making him even more handsome than he already was. I think out of the crew, he had the most attractive shifted form.

When it was my turn to shift, I braced myself for everyone’s stares, even my own crew’s. I rarely fully shifted, because my shifted form wasn’t fear or awe inspiring. It wasn’t even cute. Part of the punishment for being a hellbound was a grotesque shifted form. For those of us who committed more heinous crimes, our non-shifted forms changed too.I guess I’m lucky to only look ugly in one of my forms.Closing my eyes, I willed my body to change, feeling my curved horns sprout from my hairline. The fur on my face and arms came next, followed by my bare tail that curved over the waistband of my joggers. My claws were last. I tapped them on the floor, waiting for the comments from everyone.

I love your tail and claws. I can’t help thinking about what they did to me this morning,Diana linked me, batting her eyelashes and giving me bedroom eyes. Her voice sounded husky over the mindlink, and it settled something deep inside me. I took a good look around, and realized that yes, I wasn’t as fearsome as Desmond, as eye-catching as Bash, or as handsome as Ares in my shifted form, but if Diana didn’t mind looking at me, then my shifted form wasn’t that bad.
