Page 8 of Let It Snow

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Snow started scooping the fake snow up and gently patting it onto Amanda’s jacket. Amanda looked up at her with an intense gaze, her anger seemingly abated for now. They were very close together, and Snow slowly brought her hand to Amanda’s arm, rubbing a bit of fake snow off the coat and repositioning it.

Amanda watched her with her full lips slightly parted. Snow wondered what it would be like to kiss those lips. She couldn’t help leaning a little closer to Amanda than she needed to when reaching down for the next handful of snow.

Their faces were inches apart now. Snow was almost certain that Amanda was going to lean forward and kiss her, but at the last moment, Amanda turned away.

“That should be enough,” Snow said softly. She got up and walked shakily to her camera. That had been intense, even though she and Amanda had barely touched. She took several deep breaths before getting behind her camera and taking some shots.

“Could you tilt you head a little to the right, please, Amanda?”

Amanda did as she was asked without argument. Snow could see her patience wearing thin and got shots from as many different angles as she could.

“That’s enough of this. I want you to take more shots of the trees.”

Snow dipped her head. “Of course, Amanda.”

A flash of red caught her eye, almost as bright as Amanda’s jacket. “Can I pick some of these berries from the bushes? I think they would look wonderful in this tree here. I can get some close up shots of the branches with the berries in them.”

“Fine, do what you want. Just get me some decent photos.”

Snow gathered the berries and got the shots she wanted. She felt inspired by her beautiful surroundings, and the beauty of Amanda’s face. It was such a buzz to work with a beautiful model who wasn’t her mom or Bluebell. Amanda may not be pleasant company, but she was more stunning than all the Christmas trees, snow and berries in the world.

“What kind of name is Snow, anyway?”

Snow smiled. As a child, she had been teased a lot for her name, but she didn’t let it bother her now. “I was born during a week of heavy snow. My mother thought that it was the fates telling her what to name me.”

“Hippie nonsense,” Amanda muttered.

Snow didn’t respond, which seemed to irritate Amanda, who appeared to be gunning for some kind of confrontation. Too bad for her that Snow wasn’t a confrontational person. She let insults and bad attitudes slide off her. She didn’t have time for that kind of negative energy.

“Alright, I think I’m done here, unless you want photos of anything else?”

“No, there’s nothing else. Off you go, then.”

Snow supposed that a thank you was too much to hope for. “Thank you for your business, Amanda. I will edit those photos tonight and get them to you tomorrow morning.”

Amanda seemed briefly surprised. “That fast?”

“It usually takes longer,” Snow admitted. “I’m excited about these shots, though. I want to get working on them as soon as possible, and once I start working, I tend to get drawn in. I may be up the whole night doing it, but it’ll be a night well spent. You’ll have them tomorrow morning.”

“Excellent. I do enjoy efficiency.”

“Goodbye, Amanda.”

Amanda waved her imperiously out of the door.

As Snow made her way home, she couldn’t get Amanda out of her mind. She wondered if Amanda would like some more photos taken. Snow would be more than happy to get another chance to photograph Amanda.

She groaned as she realized that she had developed something of a crush on Amanda, despite the fact that Amanda Asher was a total ass. She was just sobeautifuland Snow had such a thing for beauty in every form, and Amanda’s bossy attitude was strangely alluring.

Snow was grinning widely as she stepped inside. She went straight to her computer and started working on the photos. Snow gasped as she opened up the folder.

These were spectacular. She thought that they must be the best photos she had ever taken—even better than the one that had won her that award.

She had just been so inspired by Amanda and her Christmas trees; it had taken her photography skills to a whole different level. Snow resolved to thank Amanda for the opportunity if she ever had occasion to see her again.

She imagined running into Amanda in the grocery store, or out in the park. It was unlikely, of course. Amanda lived in a much better area than Snow and would likely not shop or walk in the same places as her.

Snow grinned as she kept working on the photos, paying particular attention to the ones with Amanda in them. She wanted to be sure Amanda loved the photos. Maybe she would request Snow again. Snow hoped she would. She already had ideas for some other shots they could take.
