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“I will say whatever I like,” she snapped. “You have no power over me.”

Feeling that her breaking point had just been breached, Leticia took a deep breath and prepared to share everything she knew about Miss Loery with every passerby on Bond Street then her aunt’s hand snaked forward and gripped her elbow firmly.

“No,” Aunt Amelia whispered powerfully. She need not say anything further as Leticia would not go against her, even if it meant not taking advantage of this opportunity to shame Miss Loery publicly. Aunt Amelia did not loosen her grip on Leticia, and a moment later, Eliza came to her other side.

Leticia shook with her restrained rage. “Why did you stop me?” as she allowed her aunt and friend to lead her toward the carriage, she begged to know.

“I could not let the situation escalate by having you confront Miss Loery right in the middle of the street,” her aunt replied sensibly. “You must remember that you embarrassed her when you stood up at her wedding.”

“But Aunt—” Leticia began, and then, she silenced herself, knowing that if she truly defended herself for her actions at that moment, she would be revealing more not only about herself but also about Miss Loery’s situation.

“She is only retaliating against you now because she feels she is the injured party,” Aunt Amelia continued. “We must try to ignore her, and I am sure, with time, she will move on from this unfortunate event.”

“And if she doesn’t?” Eliza inquired, giving words to the thought that had just floated through Leticia’s own mind.

Aunt Amelia sighed heavily. “If Miss Loery does not stop her crusade to ruin us all, we shall have to come up with a plan to better our situation.” Then, with the assistance of one of the footmen, she climbed into the carriage.

“Take heart,” Eliza said as she released Leticia’s hand. “Your aunt will come up with a plan to make all of this better.”

Leticia nodded then she turned to Mrs. Phillips. “But that’s not what she said, was it?”

“No, My Lady.” Mrs. Phillips gave a hearty shake of her head. “She did not.”

“So, we currently have no plan whatsoever for improving our situation?” Mrs. Phillips did not reply, but Leticia had not expected her to do so, for there was nothing to say.


“And you’ve only decided to tell me all this now?” Harry asked as he rose and crossed the room. He went to the side table and poured the pair of them another round of drinks. At this point, Richard was so deep in his cups that he didn’t know if they were drinking wine or brandy. It all tasted the same.

“Yes,” Richard grunted as Harry returned to his side and handed him a refreshed glass. His friend flopped heavily into the green leather armchair, and Richard slumped even further into his own comfortable seat. “We promised each other we wouldn’t tell a soul.”

Harry sipped at his drink. “And what prompted you to come clean now?”

Richard shifted in his chair and lounged so that he could drape one leg over the armrest. “I cannot take the pressure anymore. Do you know that not a day passes when my mother doesn’t come rushing through those doors carrying one newspaper or other, shouting about the newest piece of gossip that is circulating about myself and Leticia?”

Harry shook his head. “I cannot blame her. While my mother and father have taken to reading every bit of the paper except for the gossip columns, at least they have each other. Your mother has no one to share her nervousness with but you.”

Richard sighed. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. At breakfast this morning, she told me she was going to see your mother at Admiral Shelling’s residence. She said they were going to come up with a plan.” He blew out a long puff of air.

“Yes, well…” Harry began, “perhaps their plan would be more effective if they knew the full story. They would surely be able to quiet the gossip columnists if they understood why Leticia came to your defense.”

“Perhaps,” Richard agreed. He stared down at the amber liquid that swirled near the bottom of his cup.

So much for indulging only in moderation.He didn’t have the stomach to drink anymore, so he set it on the table at his side.

“And if everyone knew why Letty felt she had to save you from Miss Loery, then the gossip would cease, and the both of you could go back to your normal, everyday lives,” Harry reasoned.

Richard pulled himself upright, dropping his outstretched leg back onto the floor. As he did, he reached for the list in his pocket.

Yes, if life returned to normal, I could go back to checking items off my list. I could find myself a bride—this time one who was not trying to take advantage of me—and we could be married sooner rather than later.

“You may have a point,” Richard conceded.

“But what of Letty?” Harry asked. Richard swung toward his friend. He could see by the way the pupils in Harry’s eyes had widened, making his gaze seem almost pure black, that his friend had consumed more than his fair share of alcohol.

“What of her?” Richard returned.

“If you tell everyone why she came to your aid and your courtship is dissolved, what will that mean for her?”
