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“Fine,” Richard said. Properly chastened, he moved his fingers away from her buttons and returned his hand to the small of her back. “But let’s not spend too long dancing tonight. I was rather hoping I might persuade you to meet me in the garden later.”

“I cannot fathom what has come over you this evening,” Leticia whispered as they danced near another couple. “You have never so willing flaunted your mischievous side before.”

“With my list gone, I find that I am just doing what comes naturally. Sometimes, that means following your lead.” He squeezed her hand. “And sometimes, that means making up the rules as I go along.”

“Well…” Leticia murmured, “I like this side of you, and if you wish, I could be tempted to frolic with you out in the garden a little later.” She licked her lower lip nervously, and he had to resist the urge to reach out and pull her to him. As they swished about the crowded room, they continued conversing, talking about the music as well as the other guests in attendance.

A few minutes later, when the song concluded, and he led her off the dance floor, Leticia craned her neck.

“Looking for someone?” he asked, trying to follow her gaze.

“Yes,” she replied simply. “I thought Harry was coming to this ball tonight, but I have not seen him arrive yet.”

Richard shrugged. “I told you it was best not to keep tabs on Harry. Let him work through his anger, and when he cools down, I am sure he will come to find us.”

“Perhaps,” Leticia said, but judging by the way she chewed on the corner of her lower lip, he knew that she was still riddled with guilt and concern.

“My Love,” he whispered in her ear, nestling so close to her that his mask brushed against her hair. “Try not to worry. All will be well…and if it is not, you and I will be out in the garden anyway, and we will—”

She began to giggle, and she raised a gloved hand to cover her mirth. “Go on, then,” she urged. “I have just spotted Eliza. I should like to visit with her for a moment, but I will meet you outside soon.”

“Very soon?” he purred in her ear playfully, and she nodded with enthusiasm.

“Yes, as soon as I can get there.”

Richard was loath to part from Leticia just now, but he understood there would be ramifications if anyone caught them leaving the ballroom together. As he made his way through the packed room, his shoulder bumped against several others.

Lord and Lady Redbourne must have invited everyone in town. This place is fit to burst with revelers.

He wove his way toward the exit, colliding with one of the servers who was circulating through the room, holding aloft a tray of refreshments. He hailed the young man, who was dressed as a proud peacock, and took one of the drinks from the tray. “Thank you,” he murmured as he lifted the glass to his lips and felt the sweet tartness of the punch as it passed coolly over his tongue.

He continued to weave through the crowd, but just as he reached the door leading out to the garden, he felt a hand on his arm. “Have you caught up with me so soon?” he asked as he turned around, expecting to see Leticia holding onto him.

But it wasn’t his lady love. It was Harry. His face was ghastly pale, and it looked as though his forehead was covered in a thin layer of perspiration. One hand still clung to Richard’s jacket sleeve, but in the other, he carried a mask that had several white feathers pinned to the top.

“I’ve been looking for you all night,” Harry said, and his eyes darted around them erratically.

“What’s wrong?” Richard said, realizing that now was not a time for flippancy, and it would be best to get right to the point.

“Where’s Letty?” Harry proceeded as he dropped his hand from Richard’s arm and leaned around him as though Harry thought somehow Richard was hiding her behind his back.

“I left her back in the ballroom,” Richard replied. “She mentioned wanting to have a word with Mrs. Hoffingbrooke.”

“Good…” Harry murmured. “Mrs. Hoffingbrooke will keep her safe.”

“Safe?” Richard startled. “Whatever can you mean?” He squared his shoulders and glared at Harry. “You are not trying to imply that Leticia was in danger when she was in my presence, are you?”

“But Lettyisin danger.” Harry’s words seemed maniacal, but he did not waver. “If we do not find her at once, I fear we may be too late.”

Richard made to lunge toward his friend, but Harry sidestepped him. “Now is not the time for another argument.”

Richard felt a livid anger bubble up inside him. “I have no wish to argue with you. I only want to know why you are behaving thusly.”

Harry squeezed his eyes shut and began to speak very quickly. “After my disagreement with Letty the other day, I left Braxton Manor and visited the home of the Viscount Loery.”

“What business could you have there?” Richard prompted.

Harry opened his eyes slowly, and the words continued to pour from his lips. “I knew that Miss Loery still had feelings for you. I saw the way she behaved at the Garden Party, nearly whacking Letty with that blue mallet and barely missing hitting her with the ball. As I realized that she and I now had a shared interest, I went to her home, so we could come up with a plan.”
