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“Plan?” Richard felt bewildered. “What plan?”

“We did not decide on anything specific. She had already sent the pair of your letters when you first came to London, and seeing that something on that small of a scale did very little to break you apart, we entertained the idea of doing something more drastic.”

Richard reached for Harry and snatched at his cravat. His fingers itched to choke this man who had once been his closest friend, but he delayed his satisfaction as he needed to know what Harry and Miss Loery planned. “More drastic. Speak to that.”

“I cannot,” Harry whispered, his eyes darting in terror. “Or at least I could not until just a few moments ago. I was wandering around the ballroom, searching for you and Letty when I overheard Miss Loery. She was speaking to one of the footmen. He is dressed like the others, in one of those dreadful peacock costumes. I heard her say their plan would work perfectly. Then, he set off with his tray of cups.”

“What plan?” Richard prompted, still not understanding what this all meant.

“I think her lover is the footman she was conversing with and…” he gulped, “If I am not mistaken, the pair of them have poisoned one of the goblets. They plan to—” But Richard did not care to hear the rest of Harry’s speech. Now that he understood the matter, he released the hold he had on Harry and pushed him aside so that he might dash back into the ballroom.

It was just as crowded as it had been seconds before, but knowing Leticia was in danger of ingesting poison forced Richard to see clearly. He scanned the throng and located her at once. She was standing on the other side of the room, speaking to Mrs. Hoffingbrooke. He strode toward her, pushing aside other guests mercilessly as he knew he had to reach her before she took any refreshment. As he watched, a server approached, and Leticia took one of the glasses off the tray. She smiled kindly and thanked the man then raised the cup to her lips.

“No!” Richard yelled, but his protest was swallowed by the immense crowd and the swelling music. He rushed forward, shoving aside a couple as they dared to step in front of him.

“Your Grace?” Mrs. Hoffingbrooke sighted him first, and a hand fluttered to her chest in alarm. “Is something the matter?”

Leticia took another sip of her drink, and Richard wasted no time with words but reached for the goblet. He took it from her hand, and when she turned to gaze upon him, he could see that she was even more startled by his erratic behavior than Mrs. Hoffingbrooke had been.

“Do not drink that,” Richard huffed, as he fought to catch his breath.

“It is too late,” Leticia said, giving him a curious smile. “I have already drunk off that entire cup. Should you like a glass of punch, I would suggest getting one of your own.” Her smile broadened as she teased him.

“But—” Richard began as he tipped the goblet upside down and saw that she had consumed every last drop, even the dregs.

“No!” Harry’s voice sounded wretched, and Richard turned just as he skidded to a stop. “Tell me you didn’t drink from that cup.”

Leticia shared a concerned look with her friend, Mrs. Hoffingbrooke. Then, she turned back toward them. “I’m not sure what has gotten into the pair of you, but I am glad to see you both in agreement. Had I known that all I needed to do to bring you together was to drink a cup of punch…well then…I would have—” Her words slipped away then, and her hand darted out to clutch at his. “Suddenly, I’m not feeling so well. I think I need a breath of fresh air.”

With Mrs. Hoffingbrooke supporting her on the left side, and Richard holding onto her right hand, they led her out of the ballroom. Harry marched in front of them sweeping his arm so as to clear the pathway. As they got out the rear door, Leticia’s grip tightened on Richard’s hand. “What is happening? Why do I feel dizzy?”

“You have ingested poison,” Richard explained. Mrs. Hoffingbrooke gasped, but otherwise, she continued moving steadily along, helping Richard steer Leticia outside.

“Poison?” Leticia asked as her hand floated to her lips. “How is that possible?”

They exited the house then and Richard was struck by the lukewarm summer air that pressed around them. Harry led the way toward a stone bench and gestured for Richard to lower Leticia onto it. She and Mrs. Hoffingbrooke sat as one, and Richard moved so that he could stand behind Leticia. He stroked the soft curls in her hair and prayed that Harry had somehow misheard or perhaps made a mistake. Harry knelt before Leticia.

“I heard Miss Loery. She and the footman, Matthew, poisoned your drink. She said something about bluebells.”

Leticia’s hand went to her hair. Her fingers grazed Richard’s own as she touched the wreath of bluebells that hung there. “What about them?”

“Apparently, the juice that is pressed from the bluebells, when ingested in a large dosage, can prove to be calamitous.” Harry’s hands shook as he reached for Leticia. Richard had to resist the urge to swat him away, but he knew now was not the time to make matters worse by starting a fight.

“But…the bluebells,” Leticia whispered. “I always wear them.”

“Yes,” Harry sighed, “and that was what made the irony of the situation so sweet and enticing for Miss Loery. For she meant to do away with you completely by using something you loved against you.” He glanced up at Richard then. “I am so very sorry. Had I known what she was planning, I never would have colluded with her.”

“Youdid this?” Leticia breathed. “Harry? You schemed with Miss Loery?”

“I only wanted to drive you and Richard apart,” Harry explained. “I never meant to hurt you, Leticia. Never.”

“You—” Leticia began, but then a loud, wet hiccup flew out of her lips. “Excuse me,” she burbled as the first was followed by a second. Her shoulders were hunched, and he could see the toll it was taking on her body as the hiccups forced themselves out of her.

She twisted her head to look at him, and he leaned forward. “Does it hurt?”

“Not exactly,” Leticia hiccupped once again. Then, she puffed up her cheeks.

“What are you doing?” Mrs. Hoffingbrooke asked.
