Page 60 of Hollywood Humbug

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A bright smile lights up her face and she waves her hand dismissing the issue. "I'm here, aren't I?"

I drop my gaze, trying to mask the grin creeping onto my face. I may not be an asshole, but I'm jealous and possessive. I'm relieved Audrey didn't want to share her break up story because I can't guarantee I would have said the right thing.

So yeah, maybe that makes me an asshole.

"True. We’re both here.” I tap my index finger on my top lip thoughtfully. I don't want to waste a single moment.

A year ago, I was riding high following blockbuster success on a movie. I had everything a man could want, but all I wanted was Audrey. Armed with the confidence of a man in love, I was prepared to fight for her even if it meant alienating my family. Then my father told me she was engaged, and the bottom dropped out of my world.

There were days I couldn't get out of bed. Unable to function, I packed my shit, moved to a tiny country called Rorvik in Northern Europe and bought a rural property. The country's bleak, rugged landscape was the only suitable place on the planet for me.

Julianna lured me out of seclusion, offering me a job on The Naughty List. I'd never heard of the producer, Nick Saint, and it isn’t my type of movie, but when I found out Audrey was on it, I accepted the job.

I needed to see her again before I lost my mind, transforming from auteur extraordinaire to straitjacket-wearing inmate at a mental asylum.

I won't make the same mistake twice. Carpe diem and all that. "I need your help with a pitch."

"Sure," she says eagerly, before sitting in one of the vacant makeup chairs. "What is it?"

"Probably the biggest job of my career. Big budget, mostly CG effects and loads of prosthetics."

She fiddles with the hair tie she’s slipped on her wrist like a bracelet, snapping the elastic while she thinks. “I’d love to help, but I don’t know enough to consult on prosthetics.”

Note to self. Work on her confidence.

"You might not have experience, but you know your stuff.”

She laughs. "You know more about this stuff than me.”

“I'm not saying this to pressure you, but I could use your help getting the pitch right before presenting it. The project is top secret, and I don't trust anyone the way I trust you."

“If you want company to bounce ideas around, all you have to do is ask."

"I'm asking." Even if I tried, I couldn't make convincing puppy dog eyes, but if she wants, I'll get on my knees and beg.

"Sure thing," she says, putting me out of my misery.

When she pulls out a planner from her purse, strands of glossy chestnut hair drop into her eyes. The sweet, heady scent of jasmine and honeysuckle teases my senses as she casually flips her hair over her shoulder.

"When do you want to get together?"

Her innocent expression shows she doesn't realize the impact she has on me.

She wants to know when?How does yesterday, today, tomorrow, and every day for the rest of eternity sound?

I grab a stool and place it beside her chair. My leg brushes up against hers, the slightest touch enough to make my dick swell.




When Luca perches on a stool beside me, his thigh brushes against mine and the light touch sets me on fire. I need to tell him the engagement was a sham, and it was over before it began, but I don't want to do it here where anyone could interrupt.

Luca sweeps his gaze over my body, hungrily devouring every inch. He’s staring the way a brother never would. If he asked me to remove my clothes, I'd do it without hesitation. Definitely not something I'd do for a brother.

"Now." His dark eyes search mine. His voice is low and commanding and it’s as if he’s issuing a challenge instead of asking.
