Page 61 of Hollywood Humbug

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"Now? As in, right now?"

"Why not?" he shrugs. The muscle ticking in his jaw proves he's invested. "That is, if you don't have any other plans?"

"Um …" I don't have plans because I never schedule social events on a worknight.

"I know what you're like when you commit to a shoot. You won't have anything else booked." His full lips twist into awicked smile, and the twinkle in his eye burns brighter, teasing me with its warmth. "Think of it as work."

I don't have a believable reason to say no, and there's no point making one up. I'm not a liar; besides, Luca can see right through me. He’s never hidden his feelings for me, and I love him too. He lights a fire in both my body and soul.

His gaze drops to my mouth when I lick my dry lips, sending a clear message. His hooded eyes tease me with promises he shouldn't be making. I'd give my right arm to go home with him and wake up to those eyes.

Goddamn this man. He's everything to me and always has been. He's finely tuned to every subtle shift in my expression, and I have little self-control when it comes to him.

Naturally, I'll accept the invitation, but it doesn't mean I'm going to make things easy. I'll offer him the thrill of the chase, not because I want to run away, but because I want to get caught.

"I can't stay late. We have an early call time," I say. He wears a curious expression and his lips curve into a grin. "What's that face? What are you cooking up?"

"No problem. We'll get down to business right away." His husky voice sends a thrill straight to my core.

He pushes to his feet before I get a chance to call him out on the spicy double entendre. Until now, neither of us wanted to jeopardize the delicate web of family relationships but something shifted when I told him about Brent.

Following his lead, I grab my coat and bag and head to the door. Luca turns off the lights and I lock up the makeup trailer.

"Where should we go?" I ask, as we make our way to the parking lot. "I'm staying with my parents for a while, so maybe …"

A flicker of surprise plays on his face. I can practically see questions forming on the tip of his tongue. I steel myself for the onslaught, but he changes tack.

"I just moved back to my apartment in Santa Monica and the place is empty," he says. A slow smile spreads across his face. "Too empty."

I remember how proud he was when he purchased the apartment with sweeping views of the beach. He’s purchased other properties since then, but that apartment holds sentimental value for its memories.

"I haven’t been there since the party." Our eyes lock and the intensity of his stare makes a thrill shoot up my spine.

"Same place, but it feels drab. It could use a little cheering up."

"You mean its dusty and covered in cobwebs?" My stomach tightens when he gives me a disarming grin. "Oh no, it sounds awful."

"Come home with me, Auds," he pleads, holding out his hand. I take it, the connection instantly drawing me closer. "I need you," he says.

And with three little words he lights a match and sets my heart ablaze. We're playing with fire, but god it feels good.


Audrey glimpses the burgundy Tesla Model S in the parking lot and smiles. "New wheels?"

People say I change cars as often as they change their underwear. They assume I'm a wealthy brat, but Audrey knows the truth.

"I won't confirm or deny ownership, until you tell me how you feel about the future of our planet." Audrey's shoulders shake as she laughs wholeheartedly.

I've missed her laugh. Not seeing her for an entire year is too long. But if things fall into place the way I plan over the following week, Audrey and I won't spend another day apart ever again.

"What's so funny? It's a good car!"

"It's a perfectly good car, but not for you. You're a revhead," she says with a bright smile. "You have to admit the idea of you being Mr. Clean Energy is funny."

She's right. The fact that I'm driving an electric vehicle without an engine is funny because I'm passionate about cars. If my film career didn't pan out, I would have loved to work as a mechanic.

Of course, making shitloads of money meant I never had to choose between work and my hobby. But while driving rivals my love of storytelling, nothing compares to how I feel about Audrey.
