Page 79 of Hollywood Humbug

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She was born when Jackson and I were together. He must have been seeing someone else. Otherwise why would he keep her existence hidden from me?

“And your name?” I don’t know why I ask her that. I’m too shocked to think through my questions before they come tumbling out of my mouth. In my wildest dreams, I never would have expected this.

“Cam,” she replies with a slight frown.

I can tell she’s starting to get freaked out by me, and I can’t blame her. I’m a stranger standing on her doorstep, asking several personal questions. I should go.

“Are you looking for my dad?” Cam asks, but I hesitate.

“Well, that depends. Who’s your dad?” I hold my breath as I wait for the answer, partially hoping that it’s not who I think it is.

“Jackson Reed.” Her voice is tentative as she slowly pronounces his name.

She takes a small step backward, and I know I must be scaring her. Of course I am. She’s only ten years old, and I’m acting like a weirdo.

“I need to go,” I say hurriedly, turning around and rushing back towards my car.

“Wait,” Cam calls out after me. “My dad’s right inside. I can get him for you.”

Oh, no. I don’t want to talk to him. Not now, I don’t. Coming here was a big mistake.

What the hell was I thinking?

“No, that’s okay,” I yell over my shoulder without slowing down. Cam stands in the open doorway as I get back into my car and drive off, my chest aching after learning of Jackson’s betrayal. In the rearview mirror, I watch Jackson come to the door and look out, but I can’t bear to see him with Cam.

Ten years later and my heart’s broken all over again. Merry fucking Christmas to me.


I desperately wanted to talk to Hailey yesterday, but she was busy, and I ended up being pulled aside to help choreograph a scene that would be filmed today. By the time the day ended, she was gone, and I needed to get Cam. Part of me wanted to hunt her down, but I wouldn’t be late to pick up my little girl.

Seeing Hailey again after all this time was jarring, even if only from afar. I haven’t been able to get the woman out of my head for ten years, and now, here she is. And all the feelings I had for her came rushing back to the surface.

I even dreamt about her last night, not that it’s the first time that’s ever happened. But it was so damn vivid. I could see her chocolate-brown eyes and smooth mahogany skin. Her black hair that’s styled in a pixie cut now… I longed to touch those silky strands and see if they were as soft as I remember. And her curvy body… Well, it always drove me crazy, and some things never change. I can hardly wait to get on set today to find a chance to talk to her.

When I arrive at the studio, she’s already here, and I watch as she takes charge of the cast and crew. She has a way about her that makes the staff respect her, managing everyone with precision and kindness.

It certainly doesn’t seem as if she just stepped into this role yesterday. She’s a professional through and through, putting out fires, making decisions, and even handling Luca with grace—which isn’t easy for most people to do.

I’m in love with her. Shit! I mean, I’m in awe of her.

I finally see my opportunity to approach her when she has a moment alone, and I’m only ten feet away. Her gaze meets mine, and a shiver runs down my spine. Electricity crackles in the air between us, that spark we always had reigniting. I smile and take a step closer, every fiber of my being dying to be near her.

She smiles back, and for just a moment, everything is right with the world. It’s the reunion I’m hoping for. But it doesn’t last long. Before I can move any closer, she blinks and shakes her head as if clearing away a fog. I watch as her expression cools and her face locks down.

I pause, unsure of what’s caused the abrupt shift in atmosphere. Suddenly, she’s looking at me like I’m a stranger.Then, spinning on her heel, she storms away and leaves me stunned and reeling.

What the fuck just happened?



I’m in my element. I’m good at my job, and I love doing it. I’ve worked hard to get to this point in my career, and I’m damn proud of myself. When I moved to California ten years ago from a small town in Tennessee, there were plenty of people who didn’t think I’d be able to make it in Hollywood. Whether it was because I was Black or a woman or too young, it didn’t matter. I’d proved them wrong.

My job was important to me.

Today, however, I’m having a hard time giving a damn about this job. Because every time I turn around, Jackson’s there, and he’s all I can think about. When he isn’t nearby, I can still feel his eyes on me, making the fine hairs at the back of my neck stand up. Nonetheless, I’m hurt and angry, and I firmly tell myself that I want nothing to do with him.
