Page 34 of Slowly, All at Once

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“Ha!” She started the van.

I started to open the door. “Actually, I think I’ll walk back to the apartment. I’d like to just move around a bit.”

She put the car back in park while I stepped out. “You know, you can stay with John and me if you want more privacy. I’m sorry I didn’t think of it sooner. The house has a studio apartment above the garage. It’s not very big, but it would be cozy enough for you, for now.”

“Thanks Mia. I’m fine. I need to finish the calendar, and then I have an idea for a job.”

She got excited. “Really? What are you thinking?”

“It’s just a preliminary idea. I need to put a plan together. I’ll let you know, OK?”

“Whatever you need from me. I’m here for you.”

Her loveable face looked so much younger than her thirty-odd years. She never seemed to change.

“I know.” I stepped out, grabbing my backpack from the back seat, and waved at her as she drove off.

I walked the short distance back to the store and apartment.

It was quiet in the apartment. The air was stagnant from lack of filtering these past few days. I opened the window, and then went to take a shower.

I blew dry my hair, dressed in a pretty sundress, sprayed lavender on my body, and waited for Jacob to come home. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen but I hoped it would be something of the kissing nature.

I sat at the counter, legs crossed, thumbing through a fly-fishing magazine, when he came in through the door from outside. We looked at each other down the length of the hall. I uncrossed my legs and sat waiting.

His hair was sticking out from the edges of his cap. His shorts were still damp, his T-shirt was wet from sweat.

Without looking away he made his way toward me.

I put my fingers in the waistband of his shorts.

“I need to take a shower.”

Excitement—he was on the same page as me—ran through my body. I leaned forward, and kissed his chest through his T-shirt. “No. You smell good, like rivers and sunshine.”

He took my cheeks in his hands and kissed me. Sweet, soft, seductive kisses, improved with the passage of time but still Jacob.

We broke apart only so he could pull my dress over my head. “You’re so beautiful.”

He kissed me again, and carried me to the couch. Laying me gently down, he tore his shirt off and unbuttoned his shorts. “I’ve missed you so much,” he said as he lowered himself down on top of me.

“Kiss me, Jacob. I’ve missed you too.”

The heavy weight of him pressed down on top of me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

His mouth nuzzled my neck. He whispered words of adoration. Then he mumbled, “I forgive you.”

The words took a moment to settle in my brain, distracted as I was from his kissing. He worked at my bra strap. When I processed his words, I gently pushed against him, forcing him to pull back and look at me.

“What did you say?”

“What? When?”

“Just now.” I pushed harder and scrambled to sit upright. My breasts had fallen out of my bra. I awkwardly tried to adjust them back in, reaching behind me to snap the clasps. “Just now. You said that you forgive me?”

“I do.”

“For what?”
