Page 77 of Slowly, All at Once

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“I appreciate that, sir. But Camille loves this house, and I want it to be hers, and hers alone.”

With wide eyes, I said to Jacob, “When did you talk to my dad?”

“When I was in California. When I asked his permission to marry you, he wanted to gift the house to us.”

“So, you bought it?” My eyes were wide.

“He wouldn’t let me buy it from him. I had to set up a trust and go through agents.”

Now, I was laughing. “You out-smarted my dad.”

“I bought it with an irrevocable trust. You are the beneficiary. Nothing changes without your permission.”

My dad turned to me, and his tone softened. “Like I said, ungrateful son-in-law.”

Jacob extended his hand. “Sir, Camille is her own person. She is strong, and loving, and she belongs here. This is her home. Please forgive me any disrespect.”

My dad, a proud man, puffed out his chest, and shook his hand. “Well, I’ll at least give you your trust back. I can do that.”

I looked to Jacob, and without breaking eye contact from him, I said to my dad, “Why don’t you put that in a trust for our children?” At the mention of children, Jacob’s eyes brightened. Yes, I would definitely marry this man. I added, “I think Jacob and I will be just fine.”

And with that, I finally became Mrs.Jacob Brooks.
