Page 73 of Breaking Free

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J.R. and Roger are waiting for us just outside of the barn. I smile at the two men standing side by side, looking more like each other than either would like to admit.

“Want to take a look inside?” J.R. asks me as we approach.

“It’s not a beach house by any means,” Roger says almost apologetically.

“That’s okay,” I tell him. “You know, we have lived in other places besides the island.”

It occurs to me that maybe Roger doesn’t know this. He takes my comment into consideration.

J.R. opens the door for me, and I walk in, followed by the rest of them. It surprises me—and in the best of ways. It would appear that Roger and I both share the same ideas on renovations. The barn is beautiful, and despite what I thought previously, it is wide and open like our house back on the island.

The barn has old, wooden floors and white, beadboard walls. And from the front door, the space opens into a living and dining area. The large barn doors from the exterior can be opened from inside the dining area, and now I begin to understand what Ellie was saying about opening them on a spring morning. Maybe I won’t mind chasing a wasp away.

The kitchen sits off to the left of the living area, and it’s newly remodeled with concrete countertops that I find odd but also charming. There are shelves on the walls where there should be cabinets, but each shelf is stocked with plates, cups, and coffee mugs.

From the living area is a staircase that leads upstairs to the bedrooms. My hands slide up the iron railing of the stairs, the gang following behind me. There’s a large bedroom with a bathroom attached and then two smaller bedrooms—one for Knox and one for the baby. Roger was quick to point out the special touches he placed in Knox’s room.

None of this is what I had expected, and I sort of feel guilty for thinking about this adventure in any other way than positive.

“This is just too much, Roger and Ellie,” I say. “I didn’t—wedidn’t—expect you to do all of this for us.”

Roger smiles. He’s flattered, and I think he’s proud, too. “We’ve been meaning to make some updates to the place, anyway. You guys coming here gave us a good excuse.”

“Thank you, Dad. Really, it means a lot,” J.R. says.

“Glad to have you home, son.” Roger pats J.R.’s back with his hand.

We venture back downstairs, and J.R. begins bringing in our things. I instruct Knox to help him, and as much as I’d like to help, I’m not sure I have the energy.

“Do you need anything, Rachel?” Ellie asks me.

I realize I’m sitting on one of the stairs, rubbing my belly, probably looking every bit as miserable as I feel. I need a nap. A hot shower, too. A foot rub would work as well.

“I’m fine,” I tell her. “I’m just tired, but I’m fine.”

Ellie nods her head. “Well, I’m going to make us a big dinner. You deserve it after the day you’ve had. I’ll ring the bell when it’s ready.” She smiles at me, and then she’s gone.

I sit there for a minute, staring blankly at the space Ellie had just occupied. A dinner bell? Seriously? I am certain she was joking.

I think that this is the best hot shower I’ve ever had in my life. I’m not sure if it is because of the exhaustion from the day of travel we’ve had or if it’s because of the luxury shower head installed. Either way, I think I’ll be taking a lot of showers. My eyes are closed, and I tilt my head backward into the water. I let it roll down my back, and I know that I never want to end this shower.

“Knox is with Mom,” J.R. says, popping his head into the bathroom. “How’s the shower?”

“Like heaven.” I sigh.

“Can I come in?”

I laugh at him. “Sure.”

The glass door opens, and J.R. slides in. I think he’s broken a record for shortest time it’s taken a man to undress.

I reach up and take his hair from its braid, watching his hair unravel. He smiles at me, his hands on my hips. The water runs down my back as I gaze up at him.

“Thank you for being here,” he says. “It means a lot.”

“Home is wherever I’m with you,” I tell him.

J.R. kisses me, and his forehead is pressed against mine. He’s looking down at his hand on my belly. “I wish I could have seen you like this with Knox. You are so beautiful.”
