Page 10 of Basic Instinct

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A third voice. A different tone. Lighter, but no less potent.

Craig Carlton.

Kimika’s mind whirled. The words were far too impossible to be aimed at her.

“I - I um, what?” Her response was stuttered and awkward. Common sense stolen from her by the overload of shocking desire that overwhelmed her usual level headedness.

“Are you planning to play, baby?”

The endearment almost short circuited her brain, and no words availed themselves as a response. Instead, she stood there, mute, her eyes wide, pupils dilated, and her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

She looked desperately at the man in front of her for direction, but all Colt did was reach out his hand, crook his fingers under her chin, and use his thumb to dislodge her lip.

His touch was enthralling, his eyes boring into her… except wait!

No, she was projecting. Humiliation rushed to heat her face.

She couldn’t see his eyes. They were hidden behind the shades he wore.

Kimi shook herself. God, she was an idiot. He was simply freeing her mouth so she could speak.Baka!She was so stupid.

This area was set up for a poly scene. They clearly wanted to play, and she was blocking the station they wished to use.

Her cheeks burned even hotter with the realization if that was at all possible. “S-sorry,” Kimi finally managed to whisper. “I’m in your way, aren’t I? I apologize, I d-didn’t mean to intrude. I’ll l-leave, right away.”

She tried to make her escape, and for a moment her muddled mind thought her feet had forgotten to move. It took far too long for Kimi to realize that she was confined between the three hard bodies that were short circuiting her brain.

A frown appeared on Colt’s face, slashing his strong eyebrows into a line that dipped below the frames of the glasses that masked his eyes, and Kimi quivered.

“Stop apologizing, Kimika,” he said, in that authoritarian voice that made her tummy clench, but not with anything close to fear.

“Sorry!” Kimi blurted again, without thinking.

A sharp bite of pain on her outer thigh, exposed by her skimpy shorts, made her yelp and flinch. It was more shock than hurt, and another apology trembled on her lips. “S…” The word was halted by the single, stern finger that was touched to her mouth.

“How about you answer the question, instead?”

For a long second, she was struck mute, but a single raised eyebrow reminded Kimi that they were waiting.

What were they waiting for?

Her mind was blank.

“Q-question?” she repeated, wringing her sweaty hands together, completely flustered.

“Are you here to play?”

Comprehension dawned. “Oh, I…”

“Would you like to?” That from one of the men at her back, so close that she could feel their body heat despite their clothing.

“I-I, um…” The weight of expectation hung heavy in the air and Kimi was almost too nervous to voice her real feelings.

She should say no. Say no and walk away.

She wasn’t even certain their question was any kind of invitation.

In fact, now that she considered it, it was probably just a polite query, so really it didn’t matter how she responded, and that realization boosted her confidence.
