Page 11 of Basic Instinct

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Because either way, she realized when she looked at Colt’s implacable expression, she wasn’t going to get away without giving them an acceptable answer. Not with these Dom’s.

“Y-yes,” she finally managed to whisper past the lump that seemed to be lodged in her throat.

Her voice had been so small, Kimi wasn’t sure they could even hear it above the erotic wall of sound that surrounded them; the displacing swish of implements moving through the air, the tantalizing thwack and thud of impact toys, the cracking slap of spankings and the wanton moans and groans, peppered with lustful screams and yelps. All of it vying with the constant hum of conversation that almost eclipsed the music that was playing in the background like an afterthought.

But despite all of that the three men suddenly swung into action. They crowded even closer if that was at all possible.

Her small frame was surrounded by their solid ones so that not an inch of her wasn’t in contact with some part of them.

While Colt stood before her, Kimika was subconsciously aware of Shay and Craig, their heads bent close to hers on either side.

Then, finally, Colt removed his sunglasses and his cobalt eyes blazed with blue fire and an intensity that stole her breath.

Her heart thumped painfully in her chest, and her body turned into a raging inferno.

He leaned in, so his mouth was nearly touching hers, but his gaze never left her eyes. His breath was hot on her lips as he spoke, making them tingle. But it was the words he spoke that would change her life forever.

“Would you like to play with us?”


Kimika legitimately could not speak. Her pupils dilated and her head spun, and for way too long her mind was a complete blank.

Her mouth dropped open, and that was the point at which Colt followed the movement and finally released her from his tensile power of his gaze, giving her enough lucidity to reply.

She would have bowed her head in deference once again, as was her way; her upbringing. But he was too close, watching her lips with the same intensity as he’d captured her eyes… waiting for them to move.

“Yes, Sir,” she eventually whispered when the electric undercurrent between them was pulled so taught that something needed to give to break the tension. “I would be honored to scene with the three of you.”

Kimi didn’t know where she found the courage or the wherewithal to reply, but it was like another entity had taken over her mind.

One that was not ever going to allow her to pass up this unexpected opportunity.

If this was the only chance Kimi got, then she was taking it!

Suddenly her body jolted, but Kimika wasn’t entirely sure whether it was the force of the strong grip snaking around her waist and pulling her flush with his body, or the sheer electrified shock of suddenly finding Colt’s mouth on hers.

He took her lips with the same intensity that he did everything else. Seizing and plundering, demanding entry into the intimate recesses of her mouth so that his tongue could stroke against hers in a wicked parody of intercourse.

It made Kimika wonder what else he could do with that talented tongue.

But before she could surrender fully to his marauding mouth, he ended the kiss, much to her disappointment.

But it was disappointment that was short lived, since she was spun around into Craig’s waiting arms, and his lips found hers.

Craig had a different kiss entirely, but it was no less passionate. He nipped at her lips in darting little bites that disrupted her equilibrium. Kimika was still trying to find her balance when she was turned towards Shay.

In his arms, thankfully everything calmed. He kissed the same way as he lived his life, casually, but no less thoroughly. He covered her lips with his, rubbing their softness against hers, coaxing her to open up by drawing her bottom lip into his mouth and sucking on it, before tracing its dewy surface with his tongue.

Kimi melted in his arms. Sighing as she yielded to his strong embrace and let him carry her away.

Right here, right now, nobody existed except them.

As slow and sinuous as Shay’s kiss was, Kimika was still breathless when he finally released her, again in his own time.

These three were all so distinct and their kisses were no different. After just one from each of them, Kimi had no doubt she would be able to tell them apart, even if she was blindfolded.

Colt was passionate and intense with cologne that reminded her of wood smoke and leather. Craig was the sparky live wire, and smelled of citrus, and Shay was slow and sensuous with the spicy, lingering scent of cinnamon.
