Page 18 of Pure Temptation

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"Where is the bathroom?" I ask, leaning on her door frame. Her room is safe. Now, I just want to be positive the house in general is.

"Across the hall," she says, pointing at the closed door.

"Do you want a bath or shower?"

"I'd love to take a bath, but the problem is, even a baby would have trouble soaking in the tub, let alone me."

Now would probably be the wrong time to tell her that I have a giant soaking tub at home. Someday soon, I plan on using it with her. I wish we were at the stage where I could shower with her. I bite my tongue, but patience is not something I possess when it comes to Zoe, which means it’s hard. If I push her any further, however, it will ruin all of the progress that I’ve made.

"Shower it is then. I'll start the water while you get your things together," I tell her, walking into the bathroom. There's a small window that's still open down above the tub and shower. I close it, securing the lock.

"We're on the second floor. It's not like Dracula will be flying up and sneaking into my house," she says behind me as she sets her stuff down. I grin at her as I get the water going, ensuring it's warm before I'm in front of her. I smile at her joke and leave the room with a kiss on her forehead.

“I have a few calls to make while you shower."

"I thought you were going to lock up and leave?"

"I'd rather not until I know you're settled in and going to bed for the night."

"Whatever," she says, frowning. "I'm too tired to argue."

She shuts the door before I can respond, and I rub my forehead in irritation. If she knew how close I was to grabbing her and throwing her over my shoulder, carting her out of here, she’d stop pushing me. Luckily for her, I have something that really can’t wait. That means I have extra time to gain control of my frustration

I pull out my phone and click on the number I need. Then, I continue walking around Zoe’s home, ensuring everything else is in place and locked up. As I do this, I take my time, looking around and taking in the pictures and items that I just somehow know Zoe had a part in putting on display.

"Damn. Callan Miller. It’s awful late for you to be stirring around, isn’t it?” Dave asks when he answers. “Is everything okay?”

Dave lived in the same home as Niko and I did. We were pretty close to him. He came to me a while back, asking me to help him with the legal documents on his corporation and for advice. He owns a garage not far from here and the place stays busy. Dave is about the best you can find at working on vehicles and knowing about them. He hates the business side though, and that meant all his tax crap and business permits and files were crazy before he came to me. I didn’t charge him shit because we’re damn near brothers. In return, he insisted I bring my stuff there when I need it worked on. I haven’t needed a reason to take him up on his offer, but tonight, that changed.

I can hear tools being set down in the back, meaning he's likely still in the garage.That works out for me because it means I didn’t wake him up.

“Yeah, man, sorry to bother you so late.”

“It’s no bother. I'm still working the graveyard shift. There’s no reason to go home when my bed is empty,” he laughs. “What's up?”

“I need a favor. My woman had a flat tonight, and her car is stranded at the diner where she works. I was hoping you could have it towed over to your shop. It’s pretty close to you," I tell him. “It’s the diner on Fifth Street? If you could get it towed back to the garage, I’d appreciate it. To be honest, I’d like for you to give the car a good going over. Let me know what it would take to make it safe to drive. I’m talking I want it to be something you wouldn't mind climbing in and driving across the country."

"I didn't know you had a woman," Dave says and I hear the curiosity in his voice. I had the reputation for a ladies’ man. I must admit that I earned it. I never saw myself settling down with one woman. Zoe changed everything and I’m fucking glad. Now, I just need to get her to agree.

"It's a new development, but a very good one. I still have to convince her of it, actually." I laugh, unable to stop the smile that spreads on my face.

"The great Callan Miller having issues with getting a girl to do what he wants? I guess miracles still happen.”

“Very funny, Dave.”

“Just being truthful. Anyway, I can pick up her vehicle no problem. Do you want it done tonight?" Dave asks.

"No, you can do it tomorrow. I'll drive by later and drop off the keys. If you’re asleep, I’ll just put them in your drop off box at the garage. It’s a beat-up rust bucket Toyota," I add while I’m thinking about it.

"Consider it done."

"Thanks, man."

"No problem. See you soon."

When I tell Zoe, I know she will likely get pissed off, but I need to take care of her. That includes getting that car of hers in better condition. She needs me. She will never believe that I need her more—but I do. This is the most I've felt alive in years.Having Zoe in my life makes me look forward to every day. It fills the air with excitement around me.

I check the last of the windows before heading upstairs. It makes me feel marginally better knowing that if I can’t have her in my bed, she’ll at least be safe tonight.

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