Page 127 of Oracle Witch

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“Not on purpose.”Well, notalwayson purpose.

“But the others don’t know,” Etrix says. “And honestly, I have no idea how they’ll take it.”

“What do you think?” Vitalis asks.

“I think it’s going to be a fight. Ryes is on Etrix’s side, Ciar will be, too, but he’ll definitely be upset, Necos… well, you know all about him, Jasper probably won’t care. Um, Mael is hit or miss. I think he’ll be excited for the bloodshed, but I don’t know properly. Zohar and Eirik will be upset.”

“Ah,” Vitalis says before giving Etrix a smug look. “The fuck-up brother strikes again.”

“Go fuck yourself, Vex. At least I’m not—”

“Stop, please,” I interject with a heavy sigh. “Can we… can we just go back to the tour?”

“Are you okay, little love?” Vitalis asks, coming off the coffee table to kneel on the floor in front of me. There’s a hint of a smile on his face, as his thick brows draw together in worry.

“This is a lot,” I murmur. I’m ashamed at not being able to handle it, but I also know that I can’t keep going the way I am. I’m exhausted, and if the breakdown I’ve just had is any indication of how I’m coping... well, I want to avoid another one.

He nods. “Can I have your hand?” I offer it out, and then I feel a soothing energy work its way through my body. It’s like a calming effect on the soul, relaxing my muscles, easing my head pain.

“What did you do to her?” Etrix asks, titling his head. He purses his lips, tilting his rounded chin up slightly as he regards Vitalis. “It’s like her side of the bond just got drowned in… I don’t know what word I’m looking for.”

“He cleansed my soul,” I say, gazing into Vitalis’s light blue eyes. “Thank you.”

“That’s my job, little love,” he replies, ducking his head to kiss my hand. “Now, as the doctor here—”

“You’re a doctor?” I ask in shock.

“No,” Etrix scoffs. “He just thinks he is.”

Vitalis shrugs, not correcting Etrix. “I recommend you go home and relax. Do not do the big reveal tonight. You need a break, Zoe, your soul needs a break.”

“I understand,” I say, and he squeezes my hand before standing up. “Can I ask a question?”


“Why didn’t you come the night I bonded everyone?” I ask, looking at my hands instead of him. “I tugged on you, not consciously, obviously, but I tried to bring you to me.”

“I know, and it killed me to fight your call,” he replies, his voice having turned sad. I refuse to look at him, scared to see the rejection there. “But if we bonded, we’d both have been outed. It would’ve been too dangerous.”

I nod sadly. Etrix makes up an excuse to leave, and I know he’s just giving me a moment alone with Vitalis. He comes to sit on the sofa, and coughs loudly when I don’t look at him.

“Playing the shy game, little love?”

“I’m not shy.” Lies. I’m a bit introverted, but also pretty shy.

“Mhm.” I look at him, and I’m rewarded with a grin. “I’ve not found much on soul witches bonding with each other.”

“What?” I gape at him because that wasn’t what I expected at all.

“I’ve been helping Necos with your studies.” Tears well up in my eyes, and I launch myself at him. He laughs and helps steady me as I tighten my arms around his neck. “Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong?”

“I just… that’s sweet,” I whisper before quickly letting go. He doesn’t let me move from his lap, and I don’t need a mirror to know I resemble a tomato right now. “Thank you.”

“You’re myanima nexum,Zoe. I’m going to do everything in my power to help you.”

“I appreciate it.”

“I know you do, sweet girl. I’ll be able to visit a little more now that you’re moving in with Necos.”
