Page 129 of Oracle Witch

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“No,” Vitalis says, shaking his head. “Get her home. She’s exhausted.”

“You’re not the boss of me,” Etrix snaps. “And you’re most definitely not the boss of her.”

“I would prefer to go home,” I say, giving Etrix a guilty look. “I might not fully understand what goes on here, but something tells me I’ll be learning in due course.”

Vitalis winks at me, not denying anything.

“If you two are going to start ganging up together, I’m going to throw up,” Etrix says with a hearty sigh.

“Sorry,” I murmur, but he shakes his head and steals me from Vitalis’s lap and tugs me into his. This causes my blush to deepen. “Sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?” Etrix asks, and even Vitalis sounds amused as he edges closer. He grins, “Are you embarrassed?”

“Neither of you seem to like each other very much.”

“No,” Vitalis says. “But we like you.”

“A lot,” Etrix says. I whimper, or shriek, or make some sort of high-pitched noise that mortifies me. “Ah, princess, you’re too cute right now.”

“Pussy,”Vitalis says.

“Did you hear that, princess?” Etrix asks, and I nod. “You can’t be insulting me mentally. Not only does it really hurt my feelings—”

“Fuck off,” Vitalis gasps, cutting him off. “Are you taking the piss?”

“But Zoe hears, and it makes her sad, too,” Etrix says.

“Okay, yeah, no, I’m not getting in the middle of these games,” I say, causing Etrix to groan and Vitalis to laugh. “Let’s go home.”

Etrix spins me on his lap, so I’m now facing Vitalis, and my left shoulder is pressing into his chest. Surprising me completely, Vitalis captures my lips in his, giving me a sweet kiss, before pulling back with a grin on his face, and a light in his eyes that I’ve never seen before when in his head.

He looks genuinely happy.

“Because you’ve made me this way,”he says. “See you soon, little love.”

“Don’t be stealing her tonight,” Etrix warns, and Vitalis deflates. “Sorry, Vex, but she’s got a shit day tomorrow. Let her sleep.”

“Got to love scheduling the terrible talks,” I say, causing them both to laugh. Etrix beams us home, and into the kitchen where some kind of fight is going on.

It’s hard to see who is on what side, but I know that it’ll likely be Eirik and Zohar against Ciar and Mael, with some instigating from Ryes. That’s how they always fall. They’re all standing around the kitchen counter, a glass of water tipped over on the table. I’m not sure who knocked it over, and I have no time to ask before our presence is noted.

“Where have you been?” Ciar demands, glaring at Etrix over my head.

“Who have you beenwith?” Mael adds, glaring at me. I flinch at the animosity in his tone, like genuinely flinch back. Pain flashes in Mael’s eyes before they harden.

“ZoZo, are you okay?” Ryes asks, giving me a sweet smile. “We felt your panic.”

“Weallfelt your panic,” Zohar adds. “Pass her here, E. I want to check her over.”

“We tried to come to you,” Eirik says, giving his brother a dirty look. “Where the fuck were you that you could block us that way?”

So much for having this conversation tomorrow.



“Come here, dragonfly,” I say, coaxing my terrifiedanima nexumaway from the heat of the fire—also known as the rest of her mates. Mael’s the angriest fuck right now, and with fire being his element, it’s best to keep her here with me.
