Page 130 of Oracle Witch

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I sort of understand it, after the panic attack. We’re all fucking worried, but I don’t want her facing the heat from Etrix’s poor decision making. Mael’s annoyed because, not only did we feel her terror, her panic, and know she had an epic panic attack, but we felt her kissing another man.

A man in her our bond—even if he’s not yet tied to her, their souls still have a connection—which is the only reason I’m not upset. Within the bond? That’s fine. Outside of it? That’s cheating.

And Zoe knows the difference without needing to be told, so the way that Mael is harping on at her is not okay.

Etrix gently pushes her forward, and I grasp her by the wrist and cuddle her in close. Mael gives me a dirty look as if I’ve betrayed him.

Fucking fool.Her side is the only side I ever want to be on.

And he’s on my shit list for the way he’s just insinuated she’s a fucking cheat. As if she’s done something wrong by exploring her bonds.

When we all felt the fucking happiness within her.

Who does Mael think he is denying her happiness? Attempting to make her feel guilty or bad about doing what is natural?

My hands are shaking, I don’t think I’ve ever been this annoyed with him.

I run my hands up and down her back to both calm myself down and assess her state. I let my magicae probe her, but she’s not only at peak performance, she’s settled, too.

There’s an unfamiliar energy within her, helping her power up, adding to the mixture of magicae within her—magicae that belongs to her soul connections. I might not know who this magicae belongs to, but I do know its source.

I do know its type.

“Fuck,” I whisper, and her eyes dart to mine, as does every other person in the room. “We need to go to Necos’s place. Tonight.”

“What?” Eirik asks, his brows furrowing together. “We had plans—”

“Plans change,” I say firmly. Zoe peeks up at me under her fair eyelashes, and I know she knows that I know about her new bond.Damn that was a lot of knows.“We need his place and the safety to speak freely that it provides. We need the cover.”

“I can do that here,” Eirik says. He gestures at his runes, the ones we all share but nobody outside our circle can see. “I did it for Mael.”

“We did it,” I correct, because I assisted in powering up those wards, but shake my head. “But no, it’s not enough.”

“You know,” Zoe whispers, and I nod. Her eyes fill with panic, and I let my magicae wash over her. Her nostrils flare, the soothing nature of water helping cool her from the inside, but it doesn’t help as much as I’d have liked.

I hate her fucking anxiety. I hate how much it affects her. How much power negative thoughts have over her.

“Then let’s go,” Ryes says cheerfully, jumping to his feet in his haste to get going. I don’t understand his side right now, but other than the worry for Zoe, he’s not been concerned about Etrix having her somewhere we don’t know. That’s a red flag if I’ve ever seen one. “Can’t wait for the family bonding to commence in the tent.”

“There’s no fucking tent,” Etrix says, rolling his eyes as he lets out a frustrated huff. He’s up a height. Zoe giggles before immediately shutting it down as sorrow fills her face. “And if there were, Mael’s fat head wouldn’t fit in it anyway.”

Mael’s nostrils flare as fire races through his veins, and he glares at Etrix. But Etrix doesn’t back down, and winks at Mael.

“Huh, I always thought Zohar had the bigger head,” Ryes says, looking at me thoughtfully.What the fuck? Why am I being targeted?

“It’s the hair,” Etrix says, and they both laugh.


“Necos’s place?” Eirik asks, and there’s some sighs, but I nod firmly. Eirik opens a portal, and we all slowly step through. The room is dark, cozy maybe, and has an expensive vibe to it. I don’t know why, maybe the artwork and the delicate frames, or it could be the giant statute in the corner.

Zoe clutches at my hand, whimpering a little, as Necos’s worried face meets us.

“You weren’t meant to be coming until tomorrow,” he says, bypassing the others to stop in front of Zoe. “Are you okay, Elzora?”


“Vexus?” he asks.Vexus.“He’s in a meeting or—”
