Page 143 of Oracle Witch

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She’s not listening to me, though, too busy talking with a ghost. No idea which one, since lately she hasn’t just been communicating with Maggie, but it’s amusing.

I fake the scenarios in my head, making up what the ghost looks like, and is complaining about. It’s amusing when she then replies with something outlandish and it changes the scene in my head.

It’s like Zoe is playing my game with me, but she doesn’t even know about it.

And she still wins without even trying.

“Look, in the next thirty seconds, I’m probably going to be doing some very... sexual... things with my boyfriend, so I’d...” she trails off, turning to me, smiling when clearly the ghost disappears. “All clear.”

“Sneaky minx,” I tease, pulling the blankets back for her.

“I didn’t know what else to say,” she says with a small shrug. “But it’s starting to get difficult to get through the day without seeing at least one ghost.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” I ask before winking at her. “I don’t mind pretending to do sexual things with you if it’ll help you keep your lie in tact.”

“Well, I wasn’t necessarily lying,” she murmurs once she’s cuddling in with me. “I did want to do some kind of sexual things with you.”

What the fuck?

Half-believing that she’s joking, I ask, “How sexual are we talking here?”

She rolls so she’s on top of me, her legs straddling my waist, and grins down at me. “Do we need to quantify it?”

I let my fingers trail up the sides of her thighs, and each hand grips her hip, steadying her in place. “I don’t think we do.”

She leans forward, her hair falling to my shoulder seconds before her lips touch mine. Her strawberry lipstick—chapstick?—overtakes my senses, and when her tongue licks my bottom lip, I can’t help the involuntary thrust up of my hips. I flip us, smirking at her gasp, but I also sense her panic.

“Zoe. I’ve, um, I’ve never done this before.”

She raises an eyebrow, her pretty blue eyes shining with a heavy mixture of lust and confusion. It’s an adorable look, and one only she could pull off.

“Done what?” Lowering her voice, after looking around to check we’re alone—doubly adorable considering we’re in her bedroom with a closed door—she whispers, “Sex stuff?”

“Sex stuff,” I confirm with a grin.

“Oh. That’s okay,” she says, smiling. “I haven’t either.”

Some of my anxiety fades because I have absolutely no doubt that she, too, has never donesex stuff. It’s not very common for men my age to not have had sex, at least in the human realm, but even in Mitagus.

Despite knowing we’ve got ouranima nexumout there, you could be waiting a while until you find yours. Fate will always bring you together, but what if you offended the stupid bitch and she decided to be a petty cunt and makes you wait for fifty years? Honestly, wouldn’t put it past her, but it’s not like you could be expected to be celibate for half a fucking century.

Honestly, fate has probably only given me Zoe this early to offend my dad, not because she thinks I deserve her.

And, honestly, she wouldn’t be wrong.

Zoe is perfection personified, and I don’t deserve to even breathe the same air as her.

Shame I’m a selfish fuck and will do it anyway.Huh, I’m sounding far too much like Ciar right now.

But I met Zoe, and knew. I might not have had my magicae, and thus been unable to truly confirm our connection, but I just… knew. I could never go fuck someone else, knowing I’m betraying my soul.

Her eyes fill with tears, and she cups my cheek. “That’s so… sweet,” she whispers, pressing our foreheads together. I can feel her warm breath with how close we are, and sweet is the right word to describe this moment.

“I love you,” I say, and she grins.

“I love you, too.”

I don’t doubt her feelings, not when I can feel the way her entire soul lit up at her words.
