Page 145 of Oracle Witch

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“Do you want me to do it again?” I murmur, kissing her jaw. She nods slowly, her hands still gripping my arms as if terrified I’m going to move—closer or further away, I don’t know.

I slowly move my hips in and out, and she relaxes into the moment.


So I move again, over and over using her thoughts as a way to move how she wants it. As I thrust, I lower my mouth to hers, capturing her swollen lips in mine. Our breathing is heavy, our kisses messy, and I can feel myself getting ready to cum.

It’s a tightening in my balls, and when she gasps, I let go. I flood her with my cum, groaning as it happens.

When I’m done, I pull out, and tug her into my arms. She’s sweaty, breathless, and full of love for me. She’s still a bit hyped up, probably just coming down from the high of her nightly ritual, and then sex with me.

Sleep will cure it.

She kisses my chest, and I cuddle her in tight. Showering her with praise in my mind, we relax together.

I’m nearly asleep when she pulls out of my arms.

“I’m going to go pee,” she murmurs, a red flush coating her cheeks. She’s still wearing her t-shirt, and she tugs it down to cover her ass as she edges into the bathroom.

The funny little waddle makes pride fill me. Not only is my cum running down her legs, but I bet she’s a bit sore.

I don’t know why that makes me want to beat on my chest and roar, but it does.

The way she can be that sweet even after we just had sex, has me grinning. She comes back in, a blush on her face, and barely manages to make eye contact.

Fuck, I love this woman.



“Wait, you didn’t make her cum first?” Etrix demands, glaring at me before groaning at whatever look is on my face. He’s sitting directly opposite me on the sofa, and I feel like I’ve been sent to the Headmaster’s office.

Actually, no, this is nothing like that. For one, I don’t hate the prick in front of me and imagine him dying in my head every fucking moment of the day.

Nah, I only wish Etrix death once or twice a day, like I do the rest of my friends.

Etrix runs his hands through his brown hair, his amber eyes piercing through me. “What a fucking shit show.”

Shame fills me, and I sigh. “I thought she’d, y’know, cum during.”

“Well, yeah, that’s sometimes possible,” Etrix says, glancing around the room. None of us here have had sex—well, good sex that is since I fucked it up when I made love to Zoe—and we’re hanging onto his advice like we’re some kind of cult member and he’s the cult leader. “Fuck me. How do none of you fuckers know anything?”

“We know things,” Ciar snaps. “I don’t need your fucking help.”

“I do!” I say, raising my hand and ignoring the glares from both Ciar and Etrix. They’ve been bonded for less than 24 hours, and they’re already at the identical looks phase.

Soon they’ll be wearing the same clothes, saying the same words, and just being obnoxious pricks that can’t exist without the other.

But I’m not stupid enough to voice that out loud when Etrix is here offering me help.

“Right okay. So, yeah some girls can cum by penile penetration alone, but some can’t,” Etrix says, as he sits forward, running a hand through his brown hair. Honestly, it’s attest to how much we love Zoe and want to make everything good for her that none of us take the piss out of him here for using words like penetration and penile with such a serious tone. “Some girls need extra attention.”

“Like… anal?”

“No,” Etrix, Zohar, and Ciar say at once. Zohar shrugs when I shoot a confused look his way, but Mael’s eyes gleam. Etrix continues alone, “Definitely don’t do anal with her just yet. And definitely not without fucking preparing her.”

“Bro, don’t you watch porn?” Ciar asks, and I shrug.
