Page 146 of Oracle Witch

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No. I love Zoe. Why do I want to watch some random people fuck? I want all of my experiences to be with her or about her. I don’t even think my dick could get hard at some random’s tits.

My soul exists to share its life source with Elzora, not saggy Annie.Wait, can pornstars have saggy tits?

“Leave him alone,” Etrix says, but I can hear the humour in his voice. “Look, she’s likely sore because not only is this her first time, but you definitely didn’t prepare her properly. Men get hard, and we’re pretty much good to go. Girls need more loving. She needs to be wet, relaxed, and you need to be gentle.”

“She was tight,” I say, hoping he thinks I did something good there, but he groans. “What? Is that bad?”

“No,” Mael says, laughing as he falls back into his armchair. “She’s likely going to be tight.”

“And warm,” I add, and there’s a few more laughs. “None of you have fucked anyone. Just be prepared. It’s like a fucking tight, hot tub for your dick.”

“Fucking hell,” Etrix mutters, rubbing his face with both hands. “Look, just make sure you get her off before you put your dick in her. Make it about her, and you’ll both enjoy it.”

“Make what about her?” Zoe asks, coming into the room at that exact moment. Her hair is half tied up, but the rest of it is loosely down over her shoulders. Despite us not sticking around school, she’s in her uniform, always a stickler for the rules.

She’s wearing a pair of black dolly shoes on her feet, and the bows on them match the frame of her glasses, and there’s an awed smile on her face as she grins at us.

She falters when nobody replies, and her shoulders droop.

“Sex,” I say, and cringe immediately.Is she going to be upset?

“You’re discussing what we…” Shock fills her gaze as she looks around at all of us. A blush coats her cheeks, but she doesn’t seem to mind. “Ah.”

“We were talking about how bad last night went,” I continue, and somehow I manage to miss all of the looks everyone shoots my way.

The helpful looks like ‘shut the fuck up, Ryes’ and ‘how fucking dare you say something so offensive to our girl.’

But I’m stupid and continue talking. “You know, with you not cumming or anything.”

Her eyes fill with tears, and she looks around the room in complete shock. She chokes out a sad kind of sound before getting a hold of herself.


“That’s what you’re discussing?” she asks, and I nod in apprehension. She bursts into tears, and races from the room. She nearly knocks Eirik over in her haste to get out of here, and he looks at us in surprise as he shuffles his feet, righting himself before his blue eyes dart back to Zoe’s retreating form.

“What’s going on?” he asks. “Was Zoe crying there?”

“Yes,” Mael snarls, glaring at me.I don’t blame him.

“Shit. The meeting with Mr Downey wasn’t even that bad!” Eirik says, shaking his head. “He agreed—”

“It’s not about Mr Downey,” Ciar says, and I hear the anger in his tone. I cringe when all eyes dart my way. “It’s about Ryes and his loose fucking lips.”

“I don’t understand,” Eirik says.

“Ryes didn’t make Ellie cum—” Mael starts.

“You chat all about it,” I mutter, dusting off my pants as I stand. “I’m going to speak to our girl.”

“Fix it,” Etrix says, backed by an angry Mael and Ciar. Zohar just seems sad, and Eirik is bewildered.

“There’s nothing to fucking fix,” I snarl, glaring at them. “I don’t get why she’s so upset.”

“Because you pretty much told her she was a shit lay,” Etrix says, and Eirik’s furious gaze darts my way. “Because you were the one to fuck up, not giving her any pleasure whilst you took her from.”

“Selfish prick,” Ciar adds. “I gave her four orgasms the other night. She never even looked at my dick in the process.” He leans back in his chair, relaxing like he’s somehow the fucking king of Zoe’s pussy.

“Ha!” Etrix says, smirking at me. “Ciar managed with his fucking fingers—”
