Page 149 of Oracle Witch

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“Hey,” I choke out, giggling a little hysterically, as tears continue to drip down my face.

“But because of how he handled it,” Zohar continues. “He reacted in a way of shame, and probably some damaged pride. He tried to blame you, but that’s only made him feel more shitty.”

“I know,” I say, looking down at my hands. “I didn’t… orgasms wasn’t the goal. I just wanted to be with him.” I sniffle, and do my best to calm myself down.

“I know, dragonfly, I know,” he murmurs, rocking us ever so slightly. “Ryes and you can talk once you both calm down a little.”

I nod, and we sit in a nice silence for a little while before I break it.

“Do you think… do you think that Ryes meant it?” I ask, and cringe when he doesn’t immediately answer.

“What part?”

“That it was bad.”

He shakes his head, rubbing my back in a soothing pattern. “No,” he replies. “I think he wishes he could do it better, but—”

“He was gentle,” I say before sighing.

“You can talk to me about this. I’m not upset, or judging you.”I’m actually curious so that I know how to do things myself.

His silent words are what prompt me to keep talking.

“He was gentle. It hurt, and he paused and checked in, and offered to stop. I still felt good even without the stupid orgasm,” I say with a huff. “I’m starting to get a little angry with him now.”

“Good,” he says. “Channel that anger back at him when you get back. He took Etrix’s advice, and sure, that is good advice—”

“What was it?”

“To make sure you cum first,” he says. “It’ll help you relax and feel less sore. It’ll also obviously feel good.” I nod. “But the two of you enjoyed your first times together. Neither of you have much experience—Ryes with none, clearly.”

“He did tell me that.” I blush. “I think I’ve had more than him.”

“With us, right?” he teases, and I tickle his stomach, causing him to laugh. “Yeah, most definitely.”

I feel more reassured after talking to Zohar, and I cuddle him in tight as we continue to sit together.

* * *

“Oh wow,” I whisper, as a little creature flutters over to the ground a few feet in front of me.

Zohar’s gaping at it, or me, completely awestruck. I hold out my hand to encourage him to come closer, but it seems like he’s frozen.

I burst into giggles when the little dragon lets out a huff, and smoke comes out. It has four legs, and is only about the size of an average watermelon. It has golden wings, with golden hair, but the dragon itself is silver. The tip of his tail is impressively sharp, and the same colour as its wings. The eyes are a bright blue, and the tongue is black with blue spots.

It’s gorgeous.

As the first new animal I’ve met in the wild in this new world of mine, I’m instantly in love.

I found a dragon.

Well, actually, the dragon found me.

“I have no words,” Zohar says, completely shocked.

“Why?” I scrunch my nose up as I watch the dragon cautiously move towards me. I hold my hand out, hoping it comes closer.

“Because like you, dragonfly, witchmeas are supposed to be extinct.”
