Page 15 of Oracle Witch

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“Who has been trying to have Etrix murdered on a regular basis,” Eirik continues, barely holding onto his rage. His veins are flashing different colours as he struggles to remain in control of his magicae. “My dad has summoned the son he’s trying to murder to court where he’s going to make some kind of move that we will not like, and you’re going to be in the centre of it.”

Using a combination of air and water I watch as his magicae starts clearing up the mess. He’s still managing to do it perfectly despite not being fully in control of his emotions, and I’m so jealous of his skills.

“I’m coming with you,” Eirik says, and Etrix nods.

“I happened to notice you’ve got your own invite,” Etrix says, and Eirik glares at him. “What? I just happened to find the letter when I looked around.”

“Snooped,” Eirik says, and he shrugs. “When?”


“Two days,” I say with a frown. Etrix rubs at the sides of his face, and nods. “What do you need from me?”

“We’ll have to go over it properly,” Eirik says.

“She needs to come with me,” Etrix says. “That’s the favour I need.”

“We’ll figure it out, brother,” Eirik says. The mess from his tea is now cleaned up, and Etrix nods once.

A portal opens and Mael comes through, followed by Zohar, Ryes, and Ciar.

“ZoZo, yourterrae rubigoof ananima nexumhas just been given the pummelling he deserves,” Ryes says, winking at me.

“Why do the three of you look so tense?” Mael asks, and I look to Etrix.

“I’ve been summoned by the high prick himself,” Etrix says, and Ciar groans as recognition immediately hits. “And Zoe needs to come with me.”

And as one, they all reply with, “Shit.”

It’s not funny, not even a little bit, but I can’t help the giggle that escapes.



Iplace—slam—my summons on the table, fury still radiating through me. Eirik uses his magicae to do the same with his. They’re both on identical scrolls with the same signature at the bottom, but the wording is so very different.

That’s because my father has to pretend to love one of us, but is easily able to keep trying to murder the other one.

“So easy to tell he’s got a favourite,” Mael says, echoing my exact thoughts as his hands twitch. I know he’s desperately holding onto the urge to burn the papers to a crisp, and I honestly don’t blame him.

Zoe somehow manages to sit even closer to me, and it helps me keep a hold on my anger. I can’t lose it around her.

Iwon’tlose it around her.

And even without me saying so, she just seems to realise that I need her here with me. Zohar’s tucked on her other side, the fool flapping about her, and I think I do amazing by not snapping at him.

Ryes snorts, winking my way, and I just roll my eyes as I build a block around my mind properly. I refuse to let the air witch continue to abuse my thoughts for his own personal gain.

It’s not my fault that he’s soinexplicabilisthat he can only do one thing.

“Etrix, your presence is required in court on Saturday,” Eirik reads out, a calm tone of voice being used despite it being clear he’s anything but. It’s kind of nice having my brother on my side, even if I’ll never admit that out loud. “We will be having a formal dinner, and youranima nexummust be in attendance with you or there will be consequences. Do not embarrass me or your life will be forfeit. King Etonik Farglory.”

He reaches for his own card, and reads aloud, “Eirik, I’ve had word that your brother has found hisanima nexumand whilst he has had his distance, it’s time for him to reclaim his heritage. We’ll be doing a formal dinner on Saturday evening to be introduced. Your father, King Etonik Farglory.”

Reclaim my heritage.Fuck off. As if I’d do that whilst he’s still the ruling monarchy.

Zoe is the only monarch I’ll align myself to. She’s the only one who deserves my allegiance.
