Page 16 of Oracle Witch

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“How does he know about Etrix and I, but not the rest of us?” Zoe asks, biting her lip as she looks between me and Eirik.

“I think he does know,” Eirik says, and my hackles rise. “I think this is some kind of ploy.”

It most definitely is a ploy. I’ve been ordered to go by my boss, but it’s something I fought against. I vowed that I wouldn’t ever go back to court, not since I’ve joined the revolution and realised my dad is a pathetic piece of shit.

And once I met Zoe, I swore she’d be kept as far away from the fat prick as humanly possible. And if my human methods weren’t enough, I’d use my magicae to put him in the ground.

I could, it’s in my capabilities.

But my boss made a good point. One I truly couldn’t ignore, no matter how much I want to. The crown is there, and if we can get it on Zoe’s head, well, we’ll know the truth.

I might need my brother there to help keep myanima nexumsafe, but I need him not overbearingly close. Eirik is not going to be on my side with this, not when it comes to taking the throne from him, but I don’t care.

Zoe needs to know.

I need my truths confirmed.

And, well, the entire revolution needs her.

“So, what is the plan?” Ryes asks. “Because I note that, other than the request to bring Zoe because his impotent dad wants to meet her, Etrix—”

“Where are you going with that?” I ask, holding in my amusement.

“Just that there are no plus ones,” Ryes mutters, and there’s some laughter at the failed joke.

“We’re clearly not invited,” Ciar says, glaring at the invites as if his glare alone could bring them back.

“Come with,” I offer, smirking at the dark witch. He grins, and I know he’s going to try and come with no matter what my brother says.

“I think he’s the only one who can get away with it,” Mael says. “Especially if the two of you bond.”

I glare at Mael, backed by Ciar. We’ve not discussed our bond, our equilstrilax, and I refuse to do that as a safety thing.

Ciar and I are making improvements every day in our relationship, the one I fucked over at 15, and until we can repair that damage, I don’t deserve to be tied to him.

“I think this one needs to be something we handle alone,” Eirik says.

I agree, even if I’d feel better having Ciar there to watch my backandhers. But whilst I might get the time to run off with Zoe alone if it’s just Eirik and I there, there’s no chance of that happening if Ciar’s there too.

“So what is the plan?” Mael asks.

“I remember the fight we had about bringing your dad into things,” Zohar says, looking at me specifically. “Why are you resigned to this?”

“Because this is an official summons,” I say with a shrug. Sounds true enough… right? It’s not like I can say I’m going because the head of the revolution has made it so. “I can’t turn it down without endangering Zoe.”

“I don’t want to be the reason—” she starts.

“You’re not,” I say softly. I turn to her and smile. “But my favour request still stands. Will you accompany me?”

“Absolutely,” she says. The elemental fucktards groan in unison, but Ciar doesn’t partake. Instead, he glares at me, holding me to a silent promise.

It could be anything in exchange for keeping her safe, but he knows I’ll agree to it. I give one solemn nod, and he returns it before elbowing Mael, who grunts.

“What was that for?” Mael demands.

“You’re singing the cushion,” Ciar says, and Mael quickly extinguishes the flames. The fire witch is useless, and barely controls his powers, so it’s annoying that Zoe chose him to bond with first.

“Now, what are you going to wear,mo sholas?” Ciar asks, and Zoe’s eyes widen.
