Page 17 of Oracle Witch

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“Wear?” she asks, confused.

“It’s a formal dinner, princess, which means you’ll need formal wear,” I say, and panic fills her. Changing course to try and derail some of the panic, I say, “So, as part of payment for this favour, I’d love it if you’d let me take you out to buy something.”

Panic is not diminished.

In fact, it’s worse.

“Really?” Zohar hisses, leaning back to talk behind Zoe’s freak out. “You couldn’t have just bought her something nice?”

“Fucking hell, Etrix,” Mael adds, shaking his head. “Terrible boyfriend or what?”

“The worst,” Ryes chimes in. “He’s fucking shit.”

“You’re all shit,” Ciar says, shaking his head. He walks over to where we’re sitting and kneels in front of Zoe. He takes both of her hands in his, and squeezes gently. “Look at me,mo sholas.” She obeys him, a look of overwhelmedness across her face. “What’s got you so freaked out?”

“I’m going to embarrass them.”

We all have varying reactions of amusement—snorts, laughter, head shakes. You name it, we did it.

Well, all of us except Ciar, who holds captive ouranima nexumand keeps her calm. “I can promise you that you won’t embarrass them. Not because they don’t give two fucks about their dad, or the people that will be there, but because you are perfect the way you are. You’re sweet, polite, and capable of knocking any grown witch onto their ass.”

She giggles, even if it’s more of a hysterical laugh than anything.

“All you need to do is be yourself,” Eirik adds, and she looks over to him. “Zoe, Ciar is right. Etrix doesn’t want you to be anything but yourself.”

“I’ll even take you attacking my dad like you have a fondness for doing,” I tease, and she groans.

“Queen Aria and her people will be there,” Mael adds. “She’s pathetic, but she’ll fawn all over you to get Eirik to be her bestie.”

“Which will never happen,” Zohar says.

“Well, I’m glad I don’t need to come dress shopping,” Ryes says. “But Tien would go with you if you wanted.”

“Really?” Zoe asks, hope lighting up her gaze. “She’ll know what I need, right?”

“She will,” Ryes replies. “I’ll get her to come meet you tomorrow. What you got happening?”

“Um, light with Etrix, politics with Kil, and water with Zohar.”

“There you go,” Zohar says, grinning at her. “I’ll cancel your class since you’ve been doing a fair bit of water today.”

“Barely any,” she says, causing him to laugh.

“You did plenty,” Eirik corrects.

“Which means you can go when?” Ryes asks.

“About half 12,” she says, and he nods.

“Perfect. Tien will meet you at the food court at 1,” Ryes says.

“But I was going to go,” I say, faking a pout. Zoe’s head darts my way, and she smiles.

“You can come with.”

Ugh. No. Absolutely not.

“No, princess, I’ll let you have some girl time,” I say. “Besides, we’ve got all night Saturday.”
