Page 19 of Oracle Witch

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I know my grandma got it for him, but he clings to it like it’s his most precious belonging.

His lips are pursed as he looks down at me with one raised eyebrow, and his bulky frame blocks me from getting past. It’s not like I’m going to barge him and run.

I most definitely donotrun.

Mr Downey sighs, “It’s important, Zoe. Please, may we have a moment?” His tone here is full of desperation, and that’s what breaks me.

I nod, and he gestures for me to follow him. Eirik breaks away from the person giving him vague promises of solving his issue before falling into step with me. I reach for his hand, grateful that I don’t need to do this alone, and he squeezes it.

Once we’re in Mr Downey’s office, he pulls out a notebook from his top drawer, and I can feel myself beginning to panic. I know that this is about Professor Byzatic, and the utter failure that was yesterday’s class.

“So, I’ve been speaking toProfessor Byzatic about your spells class—”

“It was an accident,” I rush out. “I know I said that about Fross, too, but something can happen twice and still be an accident.”

“Shh,” Eirik soothes, rubbing his thumb over my knee in a soothing pattern. “He’s not on about you attacking him.”

“No, although that’s something that we really need to get a handle on,” Mr Downey says. He truly doesn’t seem too concerned about it, though, and that’s what is important. “What I’m talking about is your abilities within his class. He says that you’ve still not managed to cast a single spell.”

“I’m doing my best,” I say, looking down at my hands. I hate that I’ve got to lie here because Icancast spells. The issue isn’t that I can’t cast the spells.

It’s that I can’t cast the spells in front of anyone that doesn’t know my secret.

“And Professor Byzatic is aware of that,” Mr Downey says. I can sense his patience wearing thin, so I bite my lip and resolve to not interrupt again. “He came to me as your guardian, rather than going to Headmaster Whisperfelt. I appreciated it, and I hope you do, too.”

I nod, remaining silent.

“So, he’s worried that you’re not yet ready for his class. I’m honestly a little disappointed in myself for not thinking of this sooner. We’ve placed you in college classes, but you’ve not even had a rudimentary education. It makes sense.”

“It does,” Eirik adds. He’s pensive, as if he’s considering what Mr Downey is saying, and maybe… maybe he even agrees with it. His lips are straight, and his eyes unblinking as he takes in what is happening.

I’ve got a bitter taste in my mouth, and my stomach feels like acid. Because despite these being college classes, they’re still for beginners—just adult beginners instead of children. If I’m not good enough for those…

“So, I’ve talked to Professor Bellen—”

“Necos?” I interrupt, and Mr Downey frowns at me. His green eyes darken before he blinks and they go back to normal.

“Professor Bellen, yes,” he says, nodding. “He’s agreed to take on some of your classes. I’ve discussed the change with—”

“So Necos is going to be teaching what?” I ask, panic fuelling my abrupt tone. I look at Eirik, but his face hasn’t changed.I hate his poker-face abilities.

“Spells and Witch Culture,” Mr Downey replies.

“Why Culture?” I ask with a frown. “That’s a theory class. It shouldn’t matter who teaches me it.”

“Yes, normally I’d agree with you, but I think you need a more personalised approach to that. We’re leaving you in the Politics class with Professor Colabouniver and the Etiquette class with Professor Aversonines because they’re vital, and I think you’ll do better learning that from someone other than Professor Bellen.”

“But how is someone as sheltered as him going to be able to teach her Witch Culture?” Eirik asks, posing the question in a diplomatic way. He goes as far as to lower his head, giving the semblance of submission to Mr Downey, when we all know that Eirik holds the power. “I don’t want myanima nexumto be hindered any more than she already has been.”

I suppose that’s nice, even if it’s not the wording I want to use.

But it’s not like I can shout from the rooftops about being a soul witch, and needing to hide from the man whose job it is to discover my type.

“He’s got plenty of experience,” Mr Downey says, a little dismissively. “So, going forward, that will be the plan. Professor Bellen has had a classroom set up, so you’ll be using that permanently. I’ll have an updated schedule sent your way.”

“And how long is this going to be for?” Eirik asks. He squeezes my knee in reassurance, and I’m happy that he’s taking the lead.

I’m trying to focus on just breathing through the panic, rather than letting it consume me, and it seems to be working.
