Page 2 of Oracle Witch

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“And then you lost consciousness,” Zohar says, reaching over to take both my hands in his. “We felt some kind of energy across the bond—”

And then, Zohar disappears. I see black with specs of colour rushing past me before my vision returns. But I’m not in the dorms.

I’m in some kind of office, but the details are blurry. The only thing I can focus on is the two men, but even their facial details are off. It’s like my brain can’t latch onto them.

“She knows?” a man hisses.

“I think so, yes,” a second man replies.

“She’s told, then.”

The second man sighs and nods. “Yes.”

“Then she needs handled,” he replies, sounding exhausted. “It all needs handled.”

“I’ll go there now,” the second man says. “It will be handled. They’ll all be handled.”

“Don’t hurt her.”

“I would never,” the second man snarls. He blinks, and that’s when I lose track of them.

“Elzora!” Zohar’s panicked shout cuts through whatever that was. My eyes open—when did they close?—and I see him crouching beside me, his blue eyes wide with panic as he grips my wrist tightly in his hand.

“What just happened?” I whisper, echoing my words from a few moments ago.

“You… I don’t know.”

“I saw something,” I say, my brows pulling together as I try to remember. “Two men—familiar men, but I don’t know how.”

“What?” he asks.

“I… the man I see in my dreams. The soul witch. I saw him.” I think.

“Doing what?” Zohar sounds frustrated, and I don’t blame him. Dealing with that man, with him plaguing my dreams, it’s constant. I hate that it’s now happening when I’m awake, too. Hopefully, we’ll figure a way out to stop that from happening. “Talk to me, dragonfly. What happened this time?”

“He’s quite often with another man, and that man was there today. He… they were angry that I knew he was a soul witch.”

“I see,” Zohar says, and his eyes go a vibrant blue.

“The first man—”

“Which man?” Zohar asks before shaking his head. His poofy afro bounces with the movement, and I can’t help but smile. “Okay, the soul witch is now called… Vitalis. The other man is now called Spyte. They need names because I’m lost. At least this way we can keep track.”

“Any reason you picked those names?” I ask, and he grins but shakes his head. Clearly, I’m missing something. “Okay. Well, Spyte was mad that I knew about Vitalis being a soul witch. He said… he said that the situation needs handled. Vitalis said that he’d come here and handle it. I’m assuming the handling it… is handling us.”

Handling me.

“Shit,” Zohar whispers, looking around as if they’re going to be in the room. “Okay, we need to get the others.”

“Where are the others?”

“I kicked them out whilst I was healing you. They were fighting, arguing about Vitalis, and I needed to be able to focus just on you.” He drops his head, looking down at his hands, and I catch the slight red tinge on his cheeks that’s only slightly hidden by his afro.

“It’s okay,” I say softly.

“Eirik!” Zohar calls, and we hear footsteps as the others start coming into the room. Ciar and Etrix appear on the sofa opposite me, one travelling by light and the other by shadows. They’re making a deliberate effort to not look at each other, so they’ve probably been on opposing sides in this fight.

“Mo sholas,” Ciar greets, a nervous smile stretching his plump lips as his almond-shaped eyes assess me. I smile at him, biting my lip when his eyes narrow assessingly. “Are you feeling a bit better?”
