Page 30 of Oracle Witch

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“Right, let’s go,” Etrix says.

“You’ve not paid yet,” Ciar says, smirking at Etrix.

“Eirik gave you his card to cover it,” I say, causing Etrix to roll his eyes.

“Princess, I can tolerate my brother and his whininess when trying to appear as the alpha male in your little harem despite being nothing more than an omega, and usually I’ll help make him feel better, but this time I can’t. I absolutely refuse to take you to meet the High Prick himself in a dress he paid for. Unlike Eirik’s gold card handed to him by his daddy, the rest of us actually earn our money.”

“I thought that would be your feelings on it. She did offer to pay for it herself, too,” Ciar says with a smirk. Etrix gapes at me, and his thoughts are extremely possessive and slightly chauvinistic. “Chop chop, Zoe’s starving. No time to stand there like a gormless idiot.”

I could protest, but my tummy rumbles quietly, so I don’t.

It seems even when not having to try on multiple outfits when shopping, it’s still tiring.

“Thank you for making him smile again,” Faye murmurs, sitting on the sofa next to me. “And thank you for bringing my boys back together.”

“I don’t think that was me.”

In fact, I know it wasn’t. It was my grandma led by fate, finding me a future I didn’t even know I needed.

It heals some of the anger I have towards her, thinking of it that way.

She lied to me, and kept this from me, but… she was doing what she needed to keep me alive.

“That’s all I wanted,” Margo says, and I look across the room where she’s playing with a yellow dress. “I wanted you alive, and happy.”

“I know,” I say, smiling at her. “I’d like to talk, later.”

“That can be arranged,” Faye says, and a blush heats my cheeks.Oops. I wasn’t talking to her.“Maybe we could do dinner or something once you’re back from Court?”

“That sounds lovely,” I say, and my grandma winks at me before disappearing. I didn’t see her appear, not like I usually do, so how long has she been here?

The words“Don’t forget!”ring through my mind, and I don’t know whether she’s said them now, or if it’s from her confusing encounter the other day.



“Five to five?” I gasp, looking down at my new schedule. Mr Downey and Necos worked on this together, and their solution was to schedule me classes from five in the morning until five at night.

Sure, I’ve got breaks in the day for breakfast, lunch, and to get to my classes, but this might actually drain myprimordiumif I have to do this every single day.

“How come I only getonehour twice a week?” Ryes demands, ripping his sheet into pieces. He’s across the kitchen counter, out of my reach, or I’d have tried to stop him destroying it.

All the guys got updated schedules, too—well, except Eirik, who is the only one of my mates who isn’t one of my teachers—to accommodate my new classes with them and well, some of them aren’t a fan.

Ryes, in particular. “Why the fuck has Downey got it down for me? Is it because I said his name sounded like the opposite of viagra medicine? It does, but it’s not like that’smyfault.”

I mean, it’s not something he had to point out, but it would be silly of me to mention that right now.

“I get her every single day,” Etrix says with a giant smirk as he emphasises the wordsevery day.He too is out of my reach, but luckily for the kitchen appliances, he’s also out of Ryes’s. Ryes is one step away from having literal steam coming out of his ears as a furious shade of red coats his cheeks. “We’re going to have so much fun together, Zoe. I get you today, and tomorrow and—”

“Go fuck yourself,parvus fulgur bug,” Ryes snarls, throwing a mini tornado at Etrix. Eirik, without even lifting his eyes from my timetable, distinguishes it. He’s standing by my side, scrutinising my new class schedule properly. “You’re a cunt as well, Rik. Your brother is pathetic and you need to stop fighting his battles for him.”

“You’ve got attitude problems,” Ciar says, throwing a smoke tornado at Ryes from where he’s lounging on the kitchen counter by the kettle. He’s just happy my schedule now includes his lessons, too, and so he’s pretty relaxed.

He won’t let Etrix be insulted, though, and will pipe up to help him.Not that Etrix needs any help.

I ignore them both, and let Eirik hold onto my timetable, and go sit on the sofa with Zohar, who is pretty much passed out. He was on an assignment last night and only got back an hour or so ago.
