Page 32 of Oracle Witch

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“Don’t tease her,” Ciar snaps, and my eyebrows raise. But as always, he smiles at me and doesn’t use any of the anger. “You can eat the food,mo sholas, but I’d prefer you didn’t unless Etrix eats it first. That way if it’s poisoned, he’ll be the dead one. Give it a few minutes after he’s had a bite to really make sure.”

I gasp, but they’re all nodding seriously.Okay, you’re not in the real world any more, Zoe.

“It’ll be fine,” Eirik says, sounding anything but. “Now, are you happy with this schedule? If I’m going to discuss it with Necos tomorrow, I want to know your feelings on it.”

“All my sessions working on the individual types of magicae have been shortened from either two hours to an hour and a half, or just an hour. I don’t understand why.”

“That only happened to me,” Ryes mutters.

“Maybe because air is one of the most useless types?” Etrix says.

“Fuck off,” Ryes snaps. “We’ve got a lot of talent.”

“Sure, sure,” Etrix says with a smirk. “But, like, do you, though?”

“You’re a cock.” Ryes gasps, and turns to me with a dramatic shocked expression on his face. “Did you hear what he just said? Are you really going to let him talk to me that way?”

“Um, no,” I say, shaking my head. “I’m sorry. Why don’t we stop fighting, though? Maybe you and I can just do extra time outside of the scheduled ones.”

“Enough,” Eirik snaps, and Ryes groans but falls silent. “So, are you worried about them being reduced, darling?”

“No. Yes? I don’t know. I’m worried about keeping my magicae secret, and by giving me so much time with Necos, whose entire purpose at being here is to figure out my type…” I say trailing off as my voice gets quieter and quieter.

“I’ll be talking with Necos tomorrow,” Eirik says softly. He comes to kneel in front of me, causing Zohar to groan but he doesn’t move. “We’ll figure it out, but if Mr Downey sent him here, he can be trusted.”

“But Mr Downey doesn’t know about my magicae being of the soul type. All he knows is it’s from the Primordial branch, right?”

“Well, yes.”

“We can always kill him,” Ryes offers, squeezing my shoulder as a manic grin causes his lips to tilt upwards. But the serious tone, and the hard eyes, make me doubt whether this is a joke. “It’s not like anyone really cares about him anyway. He spends most of his time locked away doing shit for the King.”

“No!” I shriek, pulling away from him. Zohar moans, half-asleep as he nestles into my lap to get more comfortable.

“Sorry,” I murmur, scrunching his hair a little more, and he settles.

I’m acting as if he’s some kind of cat.

Good thing he doesn’t mind.

“Ugh, she did this about you as well,” Ryes says, glaring at Etrix like it’s his fault I’m not happy with him murdering someone.

For reasons I most definitely don’t want to examine, something within me doesnotwant Necos to die.

I’d like to think that it’s because I don’t want to be party to a murder, but I’ve clearly lost that right now.

It’s purely because of that little tie between him and me, the one my soul decided upon, and our magicae weaved together.

Necos is myanima nexum, the strongest bond a witch can form with another person. I can’t let him die, not even a little bit.

Even if he terrifies me.

“Your mind is so beautiful,” Ryes says, an awestruck look on his face.

“Fucking sap,” Ciar mutters, but I choose to ignore him because I kind of liked the compliment.

A beautiful mind is better than a messed-up one.

“I think we determine whether we can trust Necos once we’ve got through tonight,” Eirik says, and I nod. “Now, let’s start getting ready. Once you’re dressed, we’ll be going over some safety protocols.”
