Page 33 of Oracle Witch

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“And putting some things in place in case of an emergency,” Ciar adds. “Go beautify yourself.”

I nod. I kiss Zohar’s head, causing him to grumble when he has to move so that I can get up.

“Come with,” I offer my curly-haired mate. “You can nap in my bed whilst I get ready.”

“Amazing,” he says, causing an outcry from the others, but that’s not my fight to have. I need to save my mental energy for the big fight tonight.

Let’s hope this in-law can keep his mouth shut because I don’t want to accidentally knock him out for offending one of my men.

I’ve done it twice so far, but never to a man who can have me murdered for treason. I don’t want to add that to my rap sheet.

Not even if he’d deserve it.

* * *

“You look fucking gorgeous,” Mael says, and I gasp, spinning to see him standing in the doorway.

Mael’s wearing a pair of grey joggers, but he’s barefoot.And you know, bare chested.I tear my gaze away from his chest, hoping like hell the makeup I’m wearing hides the blush. I meet his amber eyes, and he smirks at me because he totally knew I was spying.

“Aren’t you adorable,” he says, coming inside. His arms flex as he closes the door, the golden runes I put there decorating his skin, causing my magicae to pulse with possessiveness.

His dark brown hair is fluffy from his shower, a shower he only needed because he was covered in a combination of blood, dust, and mud when getting back from his assignment. I didn’t ask, even if I desperately wanted to know.

Because I didn’t want to know more than I did.

I’m not ashamed to admit I like to hide from the darker part of this life.

“It was a simple rescue mission,” he murmurs, his low tone seductively drawing me in as he walks towards me. He makes a circular gesture, and I narrow my eyes. I’ve got no idea what he’s wanting from me. “Spin?”

“What?” I ask, tilting my head in confusion. He takes my left hand, and lifts it above our heads, and tugs a little. Theahamoment comes, and I spin.

My dress flares out, the glitter shimmering and the layers lifting a little, and I grin as he spins me into his chest.

“You are exquisite, Ellie baby,” he says, and I look up at him with a smile. He’s shaved recently, the light brown facial hair he has looking a bit neater than normal. “Etrix is lucky to be able to show you off tonight.”

“I wish you could all come.” I bite my lip, unable to duck my head because of how he’s holding my chin, but wanting to so that I can hide my shame at speaking out the selfish thought.

Of course I want them there, but it’s dangerous…

“Danger is fuel to a fire witch. We get off on that shit,” Mael says, winking at me. “And the other pussies would come along just because they’re too scared to be left behind. Even if someone would need to hold Zohar’s hand.”

He lowers his head, breathing in my scent, but not doing anything to disrupt my get-up.

“But our time will come,” Mael says, letting go of my waist and stepping back. “Today, you’re the princess on Etrix’s arm. But one day? You’ll be the Queen ruling this entire nation, and we’ll be there at your back.”

My jaw drops, and his cheeky grin causes me to close it. Now is not the time to panic.

Especially since I’ll likely be dead before that future comes into fruition.

“We’re going to do a quick test with these runes on me,” he says, and I nod. I hate how he’s offering himself up as the test subject, even if it makes the most sense. “I need you to try to call for me, or to bring me to you, or even just try to alert me you’re in danger. Some kind of alert.”


“Do whatever works so that we can test this out,” he says.

“Probably should’ve done it more than just an hour before we’re due there,” I say, causing him to laugh.

But I was serious. What if I can’t do it? What if I’m so useless that I fail?
