Page 35 of Oracle Witch

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“It’ll be fine, dragonfly,” Zohar says softly. “He’s a big boy who can handle himself.”

“And Etrix’s head is big enough to protect you both should anything happen,” Ryes says, dropping a kiss to my cheek.

“She’s already proven she’ll duck any attack on me,” Etrix says good-naturedly. “Now, princess, are you good with light travelling there?”

I nod.

“Great. Then let’s go.”

“What happened to twenty minutes?” I ask, feeling the panic intensify.

“And let the old cunt prepare?” Etrix scoffs. “Not a chance.”

“Light travels are fun,” Ciar says, sounding entirely too happy for my liking. “Now,mo sholas, are you sure I can’t come with you?”

“I’m sure,” I murmur. I look around at my men who are staying home, feeling a little anxious. “You’ll all be fine?”

“We’ll be here waiting.”

I nod and take Etrix’s offered hand after I get a hug, kiss, or some semblance of goodbye from the four who aren’t coming. Etrix and I disappear in a beam of light.

I pray to whoever is listening that tonight goes by without any issue—from the Kingandmy soul mates.

Etrix may not be happy about returning to Court, but from the times his barriers have been dropped, I’ve heard about some mysterious plan he has.

I just hope it’s not murdering his father.



Istep through my portal, fighting the urge to look back at Zoe. She looks absolutely gorgeous tonight, fit for the role she was born to have, and I’m not looking forward to tonight. I wish I could be the one to have her on my arm, but I can’t.

Instead, my elder brother gets to parade our mate around as people talk about how good a match they are. I’ve never felt as insecure as this before, and I know it’s because tonight is her first splash in the royal circle—my circle—and I don’t get to be there with her.

“Prince Farglory,” a guard says, bowing his head slightly as I pass him. He’s wearing the normal uniform—a shirt, dress pants, and a colourful tie with a mix of red, blue, green, and yellow to represent the elements—but with incorrect footwear. Instead of the boots, he’s wearing a pair of blue trainers.

I pause and smile, feeling rather rude. I usually make it a point to greet every guard, and I hate that I didn’t this time. He doesn’t seem to mind, though, and after a quick check on hisanima nexumand young kids, he directs me through to the ballroom instead of the dining room.

“What?” I ask, my tone sounding harsher than I meant it in my surprise.

“The party is through the main ballroom this evening, Prince Farglory. Queen Aria is already there, as are most of the guests.”

“The party?” I ask before nodding with a smile. Of course he’s not done the normal dinner he said we were having. Why let us prepare for this when he could throw another wrench in Etrix’s day.“Where is my father? I’ll go find him and drag him away from his work.”

“King Farglory is in the Black office,” the same guard replies. “Queen Aria thought you might.”

Hilarious.My father has numerous offices, but he favours the one that’s been nicknamed the Black office whenever I am coming over. A nickname I think he started.

It’s a call to the fact that I’m in the Black Coats, and representative of The High Order that defends our Kingdom.

The organisation he isnotpart of any longer but, the Black Coats specifically, is a part he’s never been in. He was never good enough, and it still bothers him to this day.

Something he holds over my head like I’m this big egotistical prick for pushing to be better than he was.

But I expect no less from my father. He’s never been the best parent, his abuse taking many forms except physical, but I had some faith in him as a leader.

Now, though, now that I’ve learnt what he does to my brother, I have no respect for him whatsoever. I have no trust in him, and having myanima nexumhere in his grasp is something that terrifies me.
