Page 40 of Oracle Witch

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Fire is the closest to light, and he always resorts to it to try and get me to break.

Or, at least, he used to when I was younger.

“Sorry, she’s a little behind on our culture so I need to over explain everything,” I say with a smirk directed his way.

Eirik kicks my shin, just in time for me to see Zoe’s face drop. She immediately plasters a fake look on her face, but that doesn’t stop me from realising how badly I’ve hurt her.

In a world of unfamiliarity, the one thing she’s been able to rely on has been her brain. She’s smart, and a very fast learner. She’s picking up a world she’s been in for a month exceptionally well, and I’m furious at myself for implying otherwise.

“I’m sorry, princess. He irks me, but that’s no excuse to make you look stupid.”I rub my hand over her knee, and she dips her head in response.

She doesn’t get the chance to reply, but this is something I’ll make sure I apologise for again later.

“It’s so nice to see you again,” Queen Aria says, smiling at Zoe. “Your dress is gorgeous. Who made it?”

“Thank you so much,” Zoe says with a smile. “It’s nothing on yours, though.”

“My mum made it with my aunt,” I add in, grinning at Zoe. She looks up at me with a dazzled expression.

“Oh, Owlyn is amazing,” Aria says happily. “I love that you two boys are matching as well. It makes my mum heart so happy.”

“She’s not my fucking mother,”Eirik snarls through our bond. Out loud, he asks a waiter for a glass of water, deliberately snubbing Aria’s attempt at bonding.

“My mum said the same,” I say, winking at Aria. Eirik growls under his breath as she beams at me.

I don’t like her any more than he does, but I do love antagonising my brother.

“So, you met my mate when you were initially found, correct?” my dad asks, and both Aria and Zoe nod.

“Yes, dear,” Aria says, winking at Zoe like there’s some kind of inside joke that the two of them share. Knowing Aria, she probably believes that there is, but Zoe just seems confused. “Now then, Zoe, obviously you know Eirik.”

She’s determined to play host, and probably try to get onto Eirik’s good side. Thankfully, she doesn’t try that shit with me since I have a mum. A perfect woman who means the entire world to me, unlike the other person who contributed half my DNA.

“This is Loros, a family friend, and Secos,” she says, pointing both men out.

Loros is the light witch, and he’s wearing a white suit with gold lapels. The brightness vibes against his dark skin, and he winks at me like we’re old friends.

Fucking knob.

“Not a family friend, am I not?” Secos asks, chortling to a joke nobody else finds funny. He’s wearing a fancy watch, and that’s the only true expensive thing he’s got on him. His suit is faded, and he seems to be lacking the shine that rich people tend to have.Money troubles, maybe?

The thought makes me smile.

“Time, and… light?” she asks, and they both nod. The former is more excited about it than the latter.

“How did you realise?” Necos asks, winking at her as he slides into the final seat at our table. I didn’t realise it was for him, but for whatever reason, I’m not surprised.

“Secos feels like you, Professor Bellen,” Zoe says with a grin on her face. Having another familiar face, even one she’s nervous around, has seemed to help. “And Loros feels a little similar to Etrix.”

“So logical,” Necos says before reaching over to shake Secos’s hand. “Nice to see you again, sir. You’re looking well.”

“You two know each other?” Eirik asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Necos here has been working with me for a year or so,” Secos says, and my father nods in approval. “He’s a fine witch, and I want to make sure that I can pass my skills on to the right kind of person.”

Hm, I didn’t realise Bellen was tight with my dad. That’s going to be a problem.

“I have,” Necos says, nodding.
