Page 50 of Oracle Witch

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Etrix appears in a beam of light, and I’m surprised to see a rip in his jacket.

“They got the drop on you?” Zohar asks, and Etrix shakes his head before shrugging. I watch as my wateranima nexumreaches out to Etrix and heals him.

“Thanks,” Etrix says. “I’ve blocked off the west wing. We’re good to go.” His gaze falls to where I’m still on the floor with Mael, and he groans. With all the patience I think he has left for the day, he says, “Can you two stand up? We’re not going to get far if you’re just chilling on the floor.”

“Fucking cunt,” Ryes snarls, kicking the back of Etrix’s leg as he barges past him. He stops in front of me and helps me stand up. “Ignore Prince Big Head back there. He’s just in a huff that Ciar didn’t get attacked like he did.”

“Oh, yeah, because that’s it,” Etrix says.

There’s five guards who appear behind Etrix and Ciar in a beam of light. That means at least one of them is a light witch, and honestly, I’m starting to get a little sick of all these attacks.

I scream, and let instinct guide me to handle this. As the man at the very front attempts to stab Etrix with a shadow dagger, I throw out five energy blasts, knocking them to the ground.

I know they’re dead. I don’t need to watch them fall, and see the power fizzle out of them and into the wards. Instead, I get to feel their souls diminish, and travel over to the Otherworld.

“Shit,” Etrix gasps, looking at the dead bodies.

“You didn’t even notice them,” Ryes says, shaking his head. “You’re shit.”

“Seems Eirik trains us better than you do,” Mael says, smirking as he hops to his feet. “Now, I say we stick here, Ellie baby, and those ugly fuckers can go get Eirik.”

“And Necos.”

“Ugh, fine,” Mael says, after scrutinising my face to see if I was kidding.I truly wasn’t.“We’ll get the human clock, too.”

“Good,” I say, nodding.

“I personally think that we should separate ourselves from him and his overbearing, egotistical—”

“We get it,” Zohar says, cutting Ryes off with a sigh. “Okay, we’ll go and meet you guys back here.”

“Wouldn’t it have been safer to stay in the vault in the first place?” I ask, getting multiple groans, and glares directed towards Etrix. “We’ve come out here, and we just keep getting attacked, and now we’re headed back there.”

“You’re too smart, Ellie baby,” Mael says, grinning at me. “That’s exactly what we should have done.”

“Fuck off,” Etrix snarls.

“I bet Eirik told you to take her home,” Ryes says, smarting off with a smirk. “I bet your little brother—”

He falls silent when a small beam of light blinds him but, thankfully, Zohar intercedes and stops a true fight happening.

“Go back to the vault,” Zohar commands, and everyone else nods.

“Eirik’s going to kick my fucking ass,” Etrix mutters before disappearing with Ciar.

“Of course those fuckers weren’t going to wait for us,” Ryes snarls and Zohar laughs.

“Be safe,” Zohar murmurs, squeezing my hand. “We’ll be back very soon, dragonfly.”

“Don’t let anyone kill her,” Ryes adds, glaring at Mael. “I’ll cut your tongue out and feed it to a xezzi.”

A xezzi? I’ve never heard of one of those before.

Mael apparently takes the threat seriously, though, because he nods solemnly. Ryes and Zohar walk away, the former whistling, as they go. They seem relaxed, and even the pain-filled shout I hear a moment later doesn’t unsettle me.

They’ve more than proven they can handle themselves.

And, honestly, it seems like I can, too.
