Page 60 of Oracle Witch

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Because, as I already know, I don’t fit in with this group and it’s really frustrating that I can’t ignore the bond between Zoe and I.

Etrix rounds on his brother, snapping, “Weallneed answers, Rik What the fuck happened when we left?”

Mael gently lays Zoe on the sofa, and Zohar moves to her side, checking her over. The water witch isn’t a threat on a good day, but right now he’s so unconcerned with this fight that he can be written off.

Ryes is a psycho, there’s no other way to describe him. He’s unhinged, and at this moment in time, he clearly just wants to pound somebody into the ground. Me, I’m guessing, but I think he’d take anyone on.

Mael’s distant, confused, but not too pissed off. Not yet, anyway. That’s a good thing because he’s usually one of the biggest threats and with those golden runes on his arms, he’s someone I truly don’t want to fight with.

Eirik and Necos are both calm, too calm, one may say. Necos and I may be friends, but he seems pretty integrated with this group right now, so I’m clearly on my own.

She’s brought me here and then she’s leaving me to drown.

“Why are you here?” Eirik asks, looking at me in confusion. His ignoring of Etrix’s question has the light witch snarling, but Eirik doesn’t seem to care. “How did you get here?”

“I portalled to Zoe,” I say, and he frowns. My voice shakes a little as I try and work out what truly pulled me here. “She… she pulled on our bond, and I couldn’t ignore the call.”

My nose scrunches, annoyingly, in the way that hers does, as I pause to consider what I’ve shared. Why do I feel so fucking guilty for being here?

I shouldn’t. She’s my mate, and clearly in some kind of distress.

But the way Eirik is looking at me makes me feel like I’ve overstepped. Like I’ve done something wrong.

But all I did was agree to tutor Zoe,and by agree, I mean I was forced,and then my fate has been fucked up.

All I’m doing is letting my magicae guide me. It’s never led me wrong before.

“That shouldn’t be possible,” Eirik says, looking around as if he can see the wards and figure out how I bypassed them. The powerful fuck probably can. Necos walks off to the side with him and his silver magicae expands to examine them.

I’m not going to burst his little bubble just yet, but I’m positive that it wasn’t me who bypassed his precious wards. I can feel Zoe’s energy entangled with them, and she’s pulled me here.

She’s the one who bypassed the wards, not me.

“You’ve refused to acknowledge your bond with Zoe,” Etrix says, raising an eyebrow as he uses that annoyingly patronising tone. He’s acting like he’s better than me, but he’s nothing more than a spec of white light in your vision.Pathetic.“So why did you choose to come here? She needs real mates, not ones who only come when it’s convenient for them.”

“Did you miss the part about where I said I had no choice?” I say with an eye roll. “She’s tugging on my magicae, pulling me to her. It was either come here willingly, or she’d literally yank me through time and space to get me here herself.”

And I can’t say I’d survive the journey.

“Does it feel like she’s trying to pull your s…primordiumfrom you?” Ryes asks, looking utterly confused. His brows have drawn as his blue eyes lose focus before moving to zone in on me. I nod slowly. Yeah, that kind of is how I feel. Ryes relaxes, seeming to latch onto me to help keep him grounded. “Yeah, well, me too.”

The psycho actually sounds rational when he says that, and that’s the most worrying thing of the night.

“And me,” Ciar says quietly, his dark gaze looking to Zoe longingly as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “It’s like she’s trying to take my fucking…” He trails off, giving me a wary look before shaking his head.

Yep, I’m not allowed to know whatever secrets these fucks share.

I’m kind of happy about that.

Even if it pisses me off to no end.

“I think we’re all feeling the same way,” Necos says, walking away from a pensive Eirik. “I think that our littleanima nexumis ready to bond with us, and with her out of it, this is her way of forcing it.”

“Fuck yes!” Ryes cheers, causing me to narrow my eyes. The rational side of him was alarming, but now he’s back to being unpredictable. “It’s about fucking time we all get our turn.”

“I was first,” Mael brags, flexing his arms with a possessive look.

“The runes?” Shit. She did those to him?
