Page 59 of Oracle Witch

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Elzora Miller. My sunflower.

She’s calling for me, deep down to my soul, and I’m helpless to resist it.

I fucking knew that she’d exploit our bond one of these days, and she’d play me like a fool. She tried to throw me off with those pretty blue eyes, and the demure behaviour, but it didn’t work.

I’m not stupid enough for that.

I leap to my feet, bright green eyes looking back at me in the mirror. Eyes that aren’t normally this colour unless I’m being fuelled by my magicae. She’s forcing myprimordiumto work on its baser instincts, and I can’t stop it.

I tug back on the bond, trying to locate her, but she’s not close by. How is she managing to affect me at such a distance?

But I don’t need to ponder that thought for long. Because, now, she’s within reach. She’s back on academy grounds, at her dormitory, and I’m not going to wait to go see her. The pressure within me only grows knowing that we’re now closer to her.

I open a portal, commanding it to take me to her, and I step through to a surprising sight. She’s got seven men here, all standing around the room in varying stages of messiness. Some are wearing formal wear, some wearing jeans or joggers, but everyone seems to be equally dishevelled with at least one spec of blood on them.

Fucking hell.

But the kicker in all of this is that Zoe is cuddled into Mael’s chest, her body limp and frail, in her unconscious state.

I fucking hate seeing her unconscious.

But if she’s got seven men here, why the hell does she need me?

It’s another part of her tricks.

“What the fuck are you doing here,pueri luto?” Ryes snarls, raising his hands and accidentally summoning some wind. It knocks me backwards, just enough to make me stumble. That’s how I know it was an accident.

If he was purposefully trying to knock me over, I’d be on my ass right now.

“Fucking shit,” Ryes mutters. He gives me a dirty look. His form of an apology, I’m sure.

“It’s fine,” I mutter, but he does it again, this time knocking me to the floor with a giant smirk on his face. “Parum aurae.”

If I cared about what he thought of me, I’d pummel him into the ground. Alas, I really don’t.

I dust off my legs, and I take the offered hand from Necos to get to my feet. It’s not fine, because he’s purely being a prick, but I can’t focus on Ryes and his shit when my mate is unconscious.

And somehow, still wielding her will over me.

She’s pale, extremely so, and she looks absolutely tiny as she’s being carried over to the sofa. She’s wearing a gorgeous dress, and I know she’s been at the castle for a party.

Because when you are mated to two princes, that’s just the norm.

Fucking rich people.

I take a step forward before catching sight of something extremely alarming with Mael. Something I’ve never seen before on him, so they must be brand new.

“What the fuck are those?” I demand, looking at his arms in complete shock. He’s decorated in runes, golden ones that I’ve never seen before in this lifetime. They’re beautiful, and I instantly feel jealous.


“I need answers,” I demand, angrily crossing my arms in front of my chest.

It’s not often I’m in the position to make demands against the crown prince, but I’ll make an exception when it comes to myanima nexum. We’re all on an even playing field with her.

Something I bet he’s not used to.

“Then get in fucking line,” Etrix snarls, glaring at me. An angry royal is not something I ever want to encounter, especially not when he’s backed by Ciar. The pair of them together are dangerous, and I have nobody else on my side.
