Page 64 of Oracle Witch

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“So, until she’s awake, we can’t go burn off our excess energy,” Necos says. “Can we at least get on the same page about her?”

“What do you want to know?” Eirik asks. “I’ll share what I can without breaking her confidence.”

“She’ll not care,” I scoff.

“No, she likely won’t,” Eirik says, giving him a stern look. “But she has the ability to decide that for herself. If she’s willing to share everything, then I’ll tell her story.”

I nod, the chastise from him stinging, but accurate..

“Zoe is the daughter of King Caedos and Queen Exsern. Elzora Miller was born Elzora Myxere.”

“Holy shit,” I whisper, but I’m the only one who seems surprised. I shoot Necos a shocked look, because I didn’t think he was close enough to Zoe to know any of this.

“Theran informed me of that,” he says, shrugging. “That’s why I’m here to work with her. We knew her magicae lay within the Primordial branch. Soul magicae was just something we weren’t prepared to accept.”

“So, her parents were the King and Queen of the Primordials?” I ask, not sure whether I can trust what he’s saying.

I’ve never been close to any of these men. Necos and I knew each other when he was here, sure, and I was assigned to help him acclimate to campus, but that’s pretty much it.

I’ve avoided Etrix like the plague because he’s a shit bag, and Eirik and his merry band of goons aren’t much better.

They’re all holier than thou, thinking that they are better than everyone else but it’s just a facade.

And yes, sure, they’ve got power, but they’re not the only ones.

“Yes,” Eirik says. “And her uncle is thought to have been the one to kill them. Until he’s found and brought in, well, she needs to stay under the radar in that regard.”

“Why?” Necos asks, and even I look at him like he’s stupid.

“Because he killed her parents to get the throne,” Ciar says slowly.

“Which means Zoe will be next on his list to murder,” Ryes finishes.

“It’s not like he’s been evading capture for 20 years or so,” I say, causing some glares.

Okay, looks like they don’t appreciate the truth.

My bad. I forgot I wasn’t dealing with reasonable people here.

“We’re handling that,” Ciar says. “But at the moment we’re dealing with Mr Downey until she awakens, so we’re covered for a bit.”

“And what if she matures early?” I ask, once again getting angry looks. “Look, knock off the immature dirty looks. I’m asking because I deserve to know everything. It’s not my fault you’ve not bothered to think about this.”

“We have,” Eirik snaps, and I gesture for him to keep talking. “If she matures early…”

“We haven’t got that far,” Etrix says with a smirk. “What would you suggest?”

Necos checks his watch and sighs. “It’s late, and I have better things to do than pick at each other. I think we need to try and burn off some of this energy here because what you’re all missing—”

“Why does he act like we’re fucking beneath him?” Ryes mutters, causing Zohar to laugh.

“Because you are,” Necos snarls, whirling towards him with silver threads racing up his arms.

Zohar jumps to his feet, stepping in between him. He blows out a breath of air, forming a bubble, and then pushes it with his magicae towards Necos’s face.

It hits Necos, who then drops to the floor.

“What the fuck did you do?” I gasp.
