Page 74 of Oracle Witch

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Tears well up in my eyes, and his face falls.

“Shit, sunflower, that’s not what I meant.” The panicked tone helps my pathetic feelings settle, and I nod. It’s a pathetic nod, however. “I meant that even if I wanted to continue ignoring you, I can’t. You’ve wormed your way into my soul.”

And whether that’s good or bad… you’re there.

His sentence gets finished silently, but I still heard it. My heart goes out to Ryes who constantly suffers this way.

It must hurt to hear something you don’t want to hear. Something the other person never even would’ve said out loud.

He smiles sadly. “I think we’re at an impasse.”

“What if you two go on a date?” Ciar asks, and I let out a shriek. He laughs from his position on the sofa.

“How long have you been there?” Jasper asks accusingly.

“Meh, that’s not what is important. What’s important is that Zoe deserves all of her mates to care about her, to want to be in her life. So start putting in the effort, earth witch, or you’ll find yourself short of a life.”

And then he’s gone, leaving just a few smoke wisps to show he was here in the first place.

“Well, it’s good to know we’re friends,” Jasper says with a half-hearted laugh. “I’ll see you tomorrow for class, okay?”


He opens a portal, but before he steps in it, he raises an eyebrow. “Zoe?”

“Yes, Jazz?”

“I hope you know that I’ll no longer be going easy on you,” he says, and I gape at him.This has been him going easy on me?“Now that I know what you’re capable of, sunflower, I’ll not be the reason you don’t reach your full potential.”

And then he steps through the portal, the air feeling colder once he’s gone.

Will the surprises ever stop?



“Everything is on track with her schedule,” I say. “I’ve talked with all of her soul connections, and they’re happy to go forward with the plans that we set up. I think we’ll be able to work together on this, and we’ll get Zoe sorted.”

“Good,” Theran replies with a nod. He’s wearing a suit, but it’s rumpled and he seems a bit bedraggled. His hair is a bit greasy, and he seems exhausted.Why did he arrange this meeting?“And you’re sure you’re happy to be here for as long as it takes? Zoe’s really struggling to adjust to this world, and…”

He trails off, which was probably smart because I don’t like what he’s saying.

She’s not struggling to adapt to this world, not even a little bit. She’s struggling to keep a ginormous secret so that she doesn’t end up hunted down for just existing.

Her father had the right idea by trying to protect them but, unfortunately, he’s gone now.

I absolutely hate the insinuation that she’s doing terrible because of something she has no control over. Something that’s absolutely not true.

“Absolutely,” I say, instead of starting a fight he could not win. “I owe you a favour, and this is something I don’t mind doing to repay it.”

In all honesty, I should owe the man a secondary favour for introducing me to Elzora, but that’s something he doesn’t need to know about yet.

I’m using a cloaking spell to hide my runes from anyone outside my mating circle, but the runes themselves are smart enough to know to stay hidden even without my help.

Zoe’s magicae is impressive, its intuitive nature is doing everything it can to keep us safe from detection because, ultimately, it’ll protect Zoe’s life.

It’s fascinating, really. Seeing how well she’s adapting to her role within this world with very little guidance.

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