Page 78 of Oracle Witch

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“I’m not on her list of men she confides to,” I tell him, and he sighs. “Best get Anomus to run that one through Etrix.”

“Nah, the royal bastard is a cunt, and I’ll do without it,” he says, shaking his head. I hold in my laughter, but clearly not very well. “Am I wrong? I tried to pay someone to run him over with a tank last time he was here, but he just beamed away from it. Fucking light prick. He’s no better than a torch.”

I snort, and some of the anger fades out of him. “You need to get over your frustration with him.”

He huffs out a breath, and doesn’t bother to reply to me. It’s a topic he’s not going to budge on. Not yet.

Etrix hasn’t got many friends, unfortunately, but that will change soon enough.

We continue chatting shit for a little bit, poking at each other as he tries to learn more about Zoe through me. It’s a shame I don’t know her as well as he wants me to because he deserves to know her.

The two of them are a perfect match.

“Neco?” he calls just before I step through my portal. I turn back and raise an eyebrow. “Be careful with her, okay?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Does he think I’m going to push too hard in her lessons? Has he seen something I haven’t?

“Now that she’s got eight half-completed bonds, she’s going to have gone through a power jump,” he says, and I nod slowly. We all will be going through the same thing. That’s not a surprise.

And it’s most definitely not something I need him to warn me about.

“No, maybe not. But you know what to expect from yourself,” he says, seriously, which is a fair point. “Her magicae isn’t going to be that predictable. Be warned because you don’t know what’s coming from her.”

“Okay.” Useless information, but he’s doing his best to educate me. I step through my portal, his last words terrifying me to my core.

“And if she starts raising the dead, it’s absolutely normal.”

Oh, yeah, because necromancy is fucking normal.

* * *

“Hey,” I say, walking into Jasper’s dorm. He flinches, knocking his headphones off his ears, and snaps his head up to attention. When his hazel eyes meet mine, his thin brows drop down, his broad shoulders relaxing as he sighs, the puff of air pursing his narrow lips.

“What are you doing here?”

The resignation in his tone has my hackles rising. He’s struggling, badly, and I hate that none of Zoe’s other men have come to check on him.

Well, fine, I’m only pissed at Eirik. The others would never do that willingly because they’re not the best kind of people, but as the supposed leader of the group, Eirik needs to be putting his effort in to make sure that the entire circle is working as it should.

He owes that to us, but he also owes it to Zoe.

But, as usual, I have to do everything.

“I thought you could use a friend.”

Jazz sighs as I walk over to his liquor cabinet and pour myself a drink. It’s pathetic, his collection, but I don’t comment on it. It’s a real travesty that my only true friend on campus is an earth witch, but I don’t vocalise it aloud.

They’re very touchy about their status as the most unpleasant of all witches.

It’s just a shame for them that it’s true.

“It’s a lot,” he says, closing his notebook. He spins around on his chair, putting his trainers on the end of his bed and shrugs at me. “But we’ll adjust and learn to live with it.”

“Your bond with youranima nexumis something you’ll learn to live with?” I blow out a huff, and throw a book on extinct creatures at him.

Fuck his attitude. We’ve hit the jackpot with Zoe, and I won’t have him souring it because he’s a petty little—

He bats the book away, catching it in a vine that he summons, before it gently places the book on his bed.
