Page 83 of Oracle Witch

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“Okay.” So trusting. So amazing.

As soon as the smoke wall drops, I open my powers to search within the dormitory. Nobody should be awake right now, and even if they were, the internal alarm system we set up wouldn’t go off if they were registered to live there. So, there’s an intruder in our home that poses a risk to myanima nexum.I fucking think not.

“This window is open. I’m going up.”

Ciar nods, and I use the air to lift myself up to the second floor and creep in through the window. The person inside is sleeping, and I make a mental note so I can come back and shout at the fucking idiot for leaving the house vulnerable. He has no excuse for his room being too hot when he’s a fucking fire witch. It’s his own damn fault.

I creep through the house, listening the best I can to see if any noises are made, but also I open my mind up so I can spy.

“There are four people here,”I warn Ciar.

“Get Etrix.”

Ugh. “Etrix, wake up.”

“What?”he snarls. I get his annoyance. It’s creepy when we drop in like this whilst you’re sleeping, but I have no time for pleasantries.“Someone better be dying.”

“We have four intruders. Zoe had a magicae outburst, so luckily we were out of the dorm, but we need backup now. Hey, you can probably kill two of them. Fair’s fair and all.”

I’m unsurprised when the prick appears in front of me, obviously using the hallway lights as a power source for his invasive light travelling. Even Etrix sneaking into this dorm wouldn’t raise flags since he’s registered to live here. So I have no fucking idea who would do this.

The pair of us edge downstairs, clearing the first floor before hesitantly going down the stairs. I can’t read their minds, leading me to believe there is at least one air witch with the group. The energy I’d spend fighting him mentally would be no good as it would alert them to our presence. Right now, we’ve got the upper hand.

“What the fuck are they doing?”I ask.

Etrix shakes his head and travels behind the plant. Four people in hooded cloaks are in the kitchen. They’re not doing anything at all. Ciar gets into place, and the three of us attack as one. It takes less than a minute to disarm them all... because they’re dummies.

“That was a trap,” I hiss.

“Guys... something just hit this barrier,”Zoe says. Her voice is steady in our minds, but I know if she had said it out loud, it would be shaky, portraying her panic.

The three of us race outside the house to see a fool in a cloak launching magicae at an empty space. Well, what looks like an empty space, but is actually Zoe encased in shadows.

“Why don’t you stop fighting the wall, and take your anger out on us?” Ciar taunts. A black thread of smoke escapes his hands, instantly choking the man.

His hood flies down as he falls to his knees, and Etrix’s light magicae entwines with Ciar’s. It’s kind of pretty to be honest, but also, it’s kind of boring.

I could do so much better, and I wouldn’t need help.

“Well done,” Mr Downey calls, clapping his hands as he appears in front of us with a disappointed look on his face. “Let him go now.”

Ciar and Etrix recall their magicae, and we glare at him.

“That was a test. Zoe’s safety is in your hands... and I need to see how you’d react. Sorry for the scare,” he says, not sounding apologetic at all. Ciar drops the cloak of darkness, and I pull Zoe straight into my arms.

“I’ve got you, ZoZo,” I murmur, kissing the top of her head. She’s shaking, and I can’t tell if it’s from the cold or fear, but it has me enraged.

“You were too slow,” Mr Downey warns. “You boys have been slacking on your training.”

“Fuck off,” Ciar snarls. “Organise a meeting with Eirik, but she needs sleep. This wasn’t a good night to pick, so excuse us if we’re not giving you the warmest of welcomes.”

“I understand,” Mr Downey says, looking at Zoe. “You did good listening to Ciar, but we need to figure out your branch of magicae, Elzora. You cannot be this defenceless. Not with who you are.”

“I know,” she says quietly. “But it’s late, and I really need to sleep before my classes tomorrow.”

He nods, and I tug Zoe away.

She doesn’t move, though. “By the way, in my suitcase, there was a letter from my grandma.”
