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“I’m still mad at them,” he said.

“I know. But I love them. They’re my parents.”

He sighed. “I’ll support whatever decision you make about them, but they say one thing out of line, and they won’t see their grandcubs for a year.”

She rose up on an elbow and looked down at him. “Grandcubs? Hold it, mister, we’re still getting to know one another. I’m not ready to be a mother.”

“I know, but one day soon, my love, I’m going to knock you up.” With a grin, he tumbled her back and fit himself between her thighs. “The fun part is making them.”

The End

Find more books by Beth D. Carter


Lila Fox

Copyright © 2022

Chapter One

Brenna hugged her friend Nicole one more time. “God, I wish you guys could come with me.”

“Me too. I’ll be at Rick’s place until I can leave, and Simone will only be a day behind you. She’s still at her cousin’s.”

“I’m still going to worry about you guys,” Brenna said. The situation had nothing to do with them, but they’d been pulled into it because of their friendship with her.

“Well, don’t. You have enough to worry about. Just get as far away as you can as fast as possible,” Nicole said.

“Give Simone a hug for me.”

“I will. Now go,” Nicole said.

Brenna slid into a car Nicole’s coworker bought for her to use. It was under a different name, and it was just one of the many things they’d done to get her out of town and make it nearly impossible for him to find her.

She waved to Nicole one more time and then drove out of the alley where they had hidden the car she was taking. She took side streets and then finally got on the road that would take her out of the city.

The thought of her leaving in the middle of the night had crossed their minds, but he’d know right away if he was watching. They suspected he was close because every time sheleft her house to go somewhere, he was right there with her.

So they thought to camouflage her by hiding her in a mass of speeding cars. She was driving at the height of rush-hour traffic, concealing herself among all the cars.

Her eyes constantly moved, looking for any threat that could harm her. It took her over an hour to get on the interstate, but she felt better with every mile she put between her and that bastard, Stuart.

The man was crazy with a capital C, and all she’d done was smile at the guy. If she’d had a choice not to be nice, she wouldn’t have, but it was her job to be courteous to the people who came into the store to return things or gripe about something.

Brenna had been working at the store for a few years, and although she wasn’t thrilled with it, it paid her a good wage. They got a lot of returns and complaints in the department store where she worked, but she’d never run into a person like him. He’d come in to return a shirt, but she hadn’t been able to get rid of him since. When she’d gotten off work that day, he’d been waiting outside the store entrance to ask her out. She told him no and drove away.

Every day he seemed to get a little more erratic until she’d had to call the police, and he’d be gone by the time they got there. They’d gone so far as getting a restraining order, which didn’t help at all. The last straw was when he harassed her at work and the department store she’d worked at for years fired her.

That was when she and her two friends came up with the idea of her running. They’d talked about moving out of the city for years but had never gotten to it for one reason or another. Because of Stuart, her stalker, it turned out to be the only option they had left. Her friends didn’t have to come, but they’d been the Three Musketeers since junior high school over a decade agoand promised to stay together.

None of them had close family members, so they considered each other as family, and there were no boyfriends. So, there really was no reason to stay.

She planned to drive until she was exhausted and had to stop to sleep, but she promised every day to check in with her friends with disposable phones that Nicole’s coworker helped them get. The car was under a man’s name, and she was paying for everything with cash. They were doing everything they could to lose him.

She had no idea how far she could go before she needed to get some sleep. Already, she was exhausted from all the sleepless nights Stuart had caused her. The stress was making her physically ill, and she wasn’t going to let him do that to her any more.

Nine hours later, Brenna pulled into Wolf Creek, Montana. The town was one of the cleanest she’d ever seen, and everything looked bright and cheerful. She would have enjoyed looking through all the shops she spotted on the main street. Instead, her focus was on getting a bite to eat, because she was sick of granola bars, and someplace to rest for a night.
