Page 112 of Alpha Male

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Brenna spotted a cute little diner in the middle of the block, so she pulled in there. She got out of the car, stretched her arms above her head, and twisted her torso, getting the cramps to loosen in her back, neck, and shoulders.

Just looking around at the peaceful and well-kept town eased something inside of her. She glanced at the picturesque view of the mountains and rolling hills. The fresh air gave her a bit of energy she needed, and the smell of food enticed her to go into the place.

She took one more look around. For God’s sake, this place should be on a postcard.

Her stomach growled, turning her attention back to whatshe was there to do, so she grabbed her purse, locked her car, and walked into the diner.

She froze as all the patrons stopped talking, turned her way, and studied her. The place was half-full, but when all the attention was centered on her, it made her feel like she was imposing or something.

The waitress chuckled, walked over to her, and squeezed her arm. “Don’t let them bother you. They’re just curious. Have a seat, and I’ll bring you a menu.”

“Thank you.” She found a small booth next to a window so she could see the town.

“Here you go, honey.” The waitress set a menu and a glass of water down.

Brenna looked up at what she guessed was a middle-aged woman. She was thick around the middle, and most of her hair was gray, but her skin looked young and had very few wrinkles. The smile and kindness in her eyes drew Brenna in and calmed her even more.

“Thank you so much. What’s the special?” Brenna asked.

“Beef tips and gravy.”

“Would you eat it?” Brenna grinned.

The woman smiled back. “Actually, yes, this dish I would.”

“Years ago, I used to be a waitress, and I always loved it when people asked me that.”

“My name is Fiona. Are you thinking of staying a while?”

“My name is Brenna, and no, I’m planning just for the night.”

“Oh, I wish you’d enjoy our beautiful town. Are you on a schedule?”

“No. Not at all.”

“Are you going to meet someone?” The woman rolled her eyes and laughed at herself. “Oh, my. Tell me if I’m being toonosy.”

Brenna chuckled. “I’m not meeting anyone, and I don’t have a destination in mind.”

“It sounds like you’re on vacation or running from someone.”

Brenna’s eyes widened. “How…”

“I’ve worked with people for decades, and I know how to read them. I can see you are exhausted and stressed. People on vacation usually aren’t.”

“Let’s just say I wish it were a vacation.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. You might consider staying here. The men in this town are very protective of the women and children.”

Brenna shook her head. “I wish I could, but I won’t bring trouble to anyone.”

“Everyone has troubles, honey.”

“Stalker troubles?”

Fiona patted her hand. “I’m sorry. Listen, I’ll go put your order in, take care of some of the others, and be back.”

“Thank you, Fiona.”
