Page 160 of Alpha Male

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“On that note, I think we should try to get started on that family right away,” she whispered in his ear as she wrapped one leg around his hip, grinding against him.

“That, I can do, mate.” He growled back. “Or maybe you should.”

She squeaked when he rolled them over until she was straddling his hips, her hands braced against his chest. Caro bit her lip as she shifted slightly, and her clit rubbed against the hard shaft below her.

“Mmm.” She did it again, using the moisture from her body to ease the slide against him. “I think I like being incharge.”

“I don’t seem to mind it myself.” He smiled up at her, and the look in his eyes took her breath away. “Goddess, you’re beautiful, Caroline.”

With that one look, Caroline could see her entire future unfolding with this man. His hands cupped her breasts, and when she sat up to notch the swollen head of his cock against her opening, their eyes locked. She eased down around him slowly until he was completely inside her and then began a leisurely rocking motion, savoring the feel of his shaft filling her up in the most glorious way possible.

No words were spoken. They simply moved together, reveling in the connection between them until her body began to spiral higher and higher, tightening around his flesh as the pleasure mounted. Caro was about to tip over the precipice when Craig lunged up and pulled her hard against him. The pressure against her sensitive clit shot her straight into orgasm at the same time that she felt his teeth sink into the skin at her shoulder, and they both groaned in completion.

“Mine.” His soft voice whispered against her neck.

“Yours,” was her answer.

Satisfaction ran through every muscle in her body, and with her mate’s arms around her, she drifted off to sleep.


Two weeks later…

“Caro, are you done with those chocolates?” Ellie came into the kitchen, her gaze latching on to the chocolate-covered caramels Caroline was just finishing.

But when her sister reached for one, Caro smacked her hand and the oddest loudyipescaped her mouth.

Both Ellie’s and Caro’s jaws dropped open, and Caro slapped her hand across her mouth in shock.

“What the hell was that?” Ellie asked, her eyes narrowing, “Are you feeling okay, Caro?”

Was she?Caro took inventory of how she’d been dealing with an unusual amount of itching today, all over her body. She’d shrugged it off to allergies and pushed forward since their store was due to open this weekend, but was it more than that?

“Umm, I’m not sure,” she finally admitted with a shrug. “I’ve been itchy all day, and my skin’s kind of crawling, to be honest.”

Ellie gasped and immediately dialed Craig on her phone. “Craig! I think it’s happening today. You need to get your ass over here!”

“Honestly, Elles.” Caro sighed. “There’s no need to get hysterical. It’s probably just allergies.”

Ellie reached in once again for a chocolate, and Caro swiped out at her with anotheryip, much to her shock.

“Allergies, eh?” The smirk on her sister’s face said it all.

The more Caro thought about the shifting process, the more panic began to rise inside of her—which in turn just made the itching worse. Anxiety began to niggle at her until she was pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

“I need to get some air—” She started for the back door before her sister jumped, blocking the way.

“No! If you shift and take off into the woods that would be a disaster,” Ellie yelled. “I still can’t separate scents. We need to wait for Craig.”

Just then, he barreled through the door, relief showing in his eyes as he saw Caro. “Are you okay, babe?” he asked, running his hands down her arms. “You need to breathe.”

He was right, and Caro took a deep breath. The scent of her mate and alpha brought calmness with it. But his scent also brought something else—it brought a consciousness inside of her head to the fore, and for the first time, Caro felt the curious thoughts of her vixen poking through amongst her own thoughts.

“Oh!” She stilled. “That’s different.”

“What is?” Both Ellie and Craig asked, but before she could even answer, the most overwhelming urge to move came over her. Before she could blink, she found herself looking up at them from the floor.

Ellie squealed, and Craig smiled as he knelt and reached out to her.
