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Caro went to him, and that was when she realized she was on four paws. She melted as his hands moved over her fur, bringing the urge to have his hands running all over her body, and just like that, she was suddenly naked on the floor in his arms.

“Well done, little vixen.” He hugged her. “You didn’t even need any coaching to come back.”

“Just the incentive of your touch.” She sighed, exhausted.

“On that note,” Ellie said wryly, “why don’t you two get out of here and I’ll close up for today.”

“Good idea.” Craig helped Caro dress and picked her up to carry her out.

Over her shoulder, Caro piped up, “You leave those chocolates alone.”

Ellie smirked before taunting her sister by popping one into her mouth. “Make me!”

The loudyipout of Caro made her groan in embarrassment as she covered her face. “Oh, my God, is that going to happen all the time?”

“I hope so.” Craig nipped at her neck. “Because it’s adorable.”

She pulled back to look at him, raising one eyebrow in disbelief. “You love that too, huh?”

Craig looked her straight in the eyes, and once again, this man took her breath away. “Everything, Caroline. Always.”

The End

Find more books by Sarah Marsh


Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

Copyright © 2022

Chapter One

Willa rushed to put away the last stack of books on her cart, weaving back and forth through the library aisles. She knew every shelf like the back of her hand and was a stickler for order. Tonight, she was sitting in on a lecture about current economic affairs, but in half an hour, she was tutoring a student at the other end of the campus. She didn’t want to be late.

By the time she locked up and headed outside for the first time since morning, she was out of breath and absently checking her watch every ten seconds. She needed these side tutoring jobs to make ends meet. The university only paid her minimum wage for running the library, but she put up with it because they allowed her to sit in on lectures at no cost. Willa loved to learn but could never afford to send herself through school.

“Miss Young, the library isn’t closed, is it?” shouted a student heading her way.

“Sorry, you’ll have to come back in the morning. I open at eight sharp.” She’d usually bend over backward and open up for a student, but not today.

It still felt weird when students referred to her as Miss Young rather than Willa because she was only twenty-six. Being the campus librarian helped make her invisible. Dressing like her grandmother and being almost a hundredpounds overweight didn’t help. She felt more comfortable being unnoticed because she’d experienced enough teasing through her school years.

The business building came into view. She was horribly out of breath by the time she opened the door. Today she was tutoring an eighteen-year-old first-year student named Tyson. It was their second month of meeting.

He was sitting in the same spot as last time at one of the round tables in the study hall.

“Sorry, I’m not late, am I?” She checked her watch again. One minute to spare.

Tyson shrugged.

Most of the teachers whispered about him. He’d already been suspended once, and the year had just started. They’d ask her why she’d bother to tutor him, but it was more than just the money with Tyson—even if his father was paying more than the going rate. Although Tyson seemed to rub everyone wrong and always got into trouble, she had a good vibe from him. They clicked. If she could help him further his education and get him on track, she’d do everything in her power to make that happen.

“What happened to your eye?” she asked. It looked like a healing black eye but hadn’t been there two days ago.

“It’s nothing.”

She kept her mouth shut and went right on to tutoring him in his business classes. He never appeared to be paying much attention, but she hoped it was just a front. After twenty minutes of going over the business model, he leaned back in his chair and scrubbed a hand over his face. “This is a waste of time,” he said.
