Page 165 of Alpha Male

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“Oh, well, Tyson’s mom—”

“Is dead.”

Wow, this man was incredibly blunt. “Oh, my, I had no idea. I am so sorry. Tyson never said anything.”

“She died not long after he was born. He believes he owes his hatred of people to her memory.”

How odd.

Willa frowned.

Mr. Blackhawk stepped toward her, and Willa froze, unsure what to do. Should she step back? Step forward? Tell him to leave?

Her body was doing strange things though. The pulse between her thighs startled her. She was aroused? She had no idea how that could happen. She had no reason to be aroused and yet, that was exactly what had happened. Her nipples felt so incredibly tight, and staring into Mr. Blackhawk’s eyes, she wanted him to kiss her.

What the hell was happening to her?

No man had ever made her feel this way. It was like her body was not her own.

She had to make an escape before she embarrassed herself.

“You want to come to dinner with me, don’t you, Willa?” he asked.

“Er…” She couldn’t form words. His eyes were a strange hue, not quite brown, but an amber, golden perhaps.

“Dad, seriously?” Tyson asked.

It was the distraction she desperately needed.

“I think dinner would be a lovely idea. I don’t know if I can help, but whatever you need me to do for Tyson, then consider it done.” She quickly stepped away and immediately realized she had messed up.

She was supposed to decline his dinner invitation, not accept it.


Willa looked at Tyson and then at … Xander. One look, that was all it took, and she felt like dropping to her knees and begging him to fuck her.

What the hell was wrong with her?

Something crazy was happening, and the only safe place for her right now was her books.

“Good lesson earlier, Tyson. I’m so pleased we had this discussion. We’ll talk more later. I have to go.” She must have looked like a bumbling idiot with how quickly she got out of there, but she didn’t care. Shewasa big fool. There was no way Mr. Blackhawk was flirting with her, or curious about her in that way.

Willa needed to get her head back on straight, and her body, well, it needed to focus on what was important, and that was Tyson’s future.


“You will not be coming to dinner,” Xander said, looking at his son.

“I wonder why that is.”

“Willa is my mate. You will show her some respect.”

“What? I have no choice now, do I? You won’t let me make my own decisions. How can you be mated to a human, anyway?” Tyson’s entire face screwed up as if the simple notion of his father being mated was repulsive.

Xander knew it had nothing to do with him and everything to do with the fact Willa was a human. He was a little taken aback by it himself. After years of dealing with stressful situations, he’d learned to adapt.

He’d finally found his mate after all these years.
