Page 186 of Alpha Male

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Xander stared forward. He was a few steps away from the old south bridge.

He didn’t fear death. No. Losing Willa was what he feared. He had finally found his true mate at forty-four, and he’d been so fucking excited that he hadn’t been patient. What he should have done was take her away from here, back to his pack. Lured her into his life, and then, slowly and surely, got her to fall in love with him before revealing what he truly was.

He’d messed up.

She hated his wolf. He scared her, confused her. She’d run from him.

There was no going back now. If he was lucky, he’d get the chance to tell her how he felt. Greer wasn’t going to take anyone else. He’d already taken Tyson’s mom. He wasn’t going to take Willa as well.

Stepping toward the old south bridge, he scented Willa. He knew she was terrified, but there was something else as well, a rage he didn’t quite associate with her scent.

He had excellent vision, and it was already torture for him to see Greer’s clawed hand wrapped around her very human throat. She was so fragile. Even wolves would struggle to live with their throat slashed. A human against a wolf had no chance of surviving.

No chance at all.

“It’s about time you showed up. I was starting to think you grew a pair of balls and saw how ridiculous you were for wanting a human.”

Willa stared at him.

Xander didn’t understand the look in her eyes. There were so many things he wanted to say, but none of them came to him.

What exactly could he say that would make this any easier?

I’m sorry.

It wasn’t supposed to end this way.

I put you in harm’s way.

There was absolutely nothing.

“Let her go,” Xander said.

Greer snorted. “Let her go. Now, why would I do that?”

“She isn’t part of this. It’s between you and me.” His wolf was not going to be able to last much longer. Xander felt close to the edge. The need to protect his mate was so fucking strong. He couldn’t stop it.

Greer was the enemy. A rival like no other.

He had to protect her.

“Oh, but you see, she is very much part of this,” Greer said. “I can scent your claim on her.”

“Let her go, I said.”

He wasn’t going to tell him again.

“I think Willa has something she would like to say.”

Greer loosened his hold around her neck, and he heard her quickly drawn inhale.

“Go, Xander. Tyson needs you. He needs to have a father, and you’ve got to tell him the truth. He has to know you are only trying to take care of him.” She started to choke as Greer grabbed her throat once again.

“Let her the fuck go!” He ended on a growl. Once his wolf was out, all bets were off. What he wanted was Willa safe and far from here.

“Naughty fucking bitch. She was supposed to beg you. Tell you her undying love. You make me sick.” Greer glared at him. “Why don’t you tell her, Xander? Tell her how much she means to you. Tell her how desperate you are to mate with her. How badly you want to make her your own.”

Xander was going to die today. Willa was going to survive. He stared into his mate’s eyes, seeing the tears shimmering back at him, along with that edge of fear that had no right being in her gaze.
