Page 205 of Alpha Male

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Rain rested her head against his chest. He stroked her back, his softening cock still inside her.

“Kieran,” she whispered. Her inner wolf howled inside her. Rain looked into his bright yellow eyes. At that moment, she knew that her heart had always been his to take.

“What is it, little wolf? Are you hurt?” he asked, assessing her.

Rain shook her head. She made her decision. “Please make me yours.”

Chapter Seven

Rain’s plea gave Kieran a momentary pause. Did she understand what she was offering him? He searched her eyes and decided he wouldn’t ask her again.

She had endured so much. A lesser wolf would’ve been traumatized by the hellish experience Rain had gone through, but she stayed strong. A true survivor. A confident woman, a she-wolf who knew exactly what and who she wanted, stared back at Kieran.

He placed aside strands of her hair and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck. She gripped his shoulders as he unsheathed his fangs. Without warning, he plunged them into the side of Rain’s neck.

Kieran knew the initial bite would hurt, but it was better to get it over and done with. She cried out, but his brave omega didn’t pull away. He pierced through skin and finally hit bone.

He could sense Rain’s inner wolf rising up to meet his own. The two wolves fused, becoming one. Mating Rain would merge their life forces together, would make her forever his.

Kieran pulled his teeth back and told her. “Your turn.”

Rain nodded, then left a smaller bite mark on his left shoulder. The mate bonds between them pulsed to light. They appeared like silver threads, binding their souls forever, and he felt complete.

All his life, he’d searched for a mate to complete him. It disturbed him when he couldn’t find a spark, a connection with any of the females in his own pack. Kieran finally understood that fate led him to the Silverbite Pack Lands for a reason. It was to find Rain.

“Any regrets?” he asked her afterward.

He pulled her to bed with him and dispensed with his pants and underwear. Rain slid into his sheets, and he joinedher. She snuggled against him, and he wrapped his legs and arms around her slender frame. They were a perfect fit. No surprise there.

“None,” Rain replied, and he buried his face into the side of her neck, where he’d placed his mate mark. “When you were gone, I missed you every waking moment.”

“I felt the same way,” he admitted. “I knew I should be focused on convincing that wolf pack our alliance would be mutually beneficial, but my thoughts kept drifting back to you.”

Rain seemed satisfied by that admission. She touched the skin over his heart. “I’m sorry it took so long for me to acknowledge the truth. That we’re fated mates,” she said.

“You don’t owe me an apology. Any wolf in your position would be distrustful of a strange alpha she just met.” He thought he would need to be more patient. To devise a plan that would help him earn Rain’s trust a little faster.

“You saved me when no one else bothered to give me a second glance. You saw my worth. To everyone else in my pack, I was just the traitor’s daughter.” She took a deep breath. “But I’m not only doing this because I’m grateful. Spending more time with you made me realize I was so wrong about you.”

Kieran breathed in her wondrous scent. They lay in bed, all tangled up in each other. Kieran savored the brief moment of peace because later tonight, there would be a bloodbath.

By leaving for the mountains, Kieran knew he risked Markus convincing other wolves to join his side, but Kieran still had the support of the majority of his pack members.

“Kieran,” Rain finally said, breaking the silence. She rested her head against his chest. “I’m scared for you. Scarlett said you know about Markus’s challenge.”

“There’s nothing to worry about, little wolf.” He tipped Rain’s chin with two fingers, meeting her eyes. “I always win.”

“But didn’t you grow up with Markus?” She blushed. “Iheard the others talking. They said you two were childhood friends.”

“It is true we trained as soldiers for the pack together, but the same goes for my other enforcers,” he admitted. “But Markus has always hated the fact I became lead alpha after my father died.”

“Can’t you just refuse the challenge?” Rain asked. “I don’t trust Markus one bit.”

“No, that would make me appear weak among my pack members. In our pack, we abide by the pack laws erected by our ancestors. Every wolf has the right to challenge their lead alpha. I’ve never lost a challenge.” Kieran paused. “You will not like this news, Rain, but Scarlett and I suspect Markus has been in contact with Felix.”

Rain widened her eyes. “What makes you think that?”

“I have spies in the pack. Loyal pack mates who look out for my interests when I need to leave pack lands to conduct business with other packs,” he said. “One of them reported following Markus three nights ago. Markus and Felix met up in a diner in a nearby town. He couldn’t hear their conversation, but he saw them shaking hands, as if they’d struck a deal.”
