Page 250 of Alpha Male

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The wolf nodded and dropped his front end in what could only be interpreted as a bow.

“Your men are all dead,” Toren said. “It’s down to you and me. Do you concede, or do you want to end up like your men?”

Keller looked from her to the wolf who stayed by her side as she circled Keller and took her place at Toren’s side.

Taking a step back, he said, “I concede. For tonight. But there will be a day, in the not too distant future, where our packs become one, and I will rule the mountain.”

“Never,” Toren said. “That mountain belongs to the Waverly pack and I will never give it up. Nor will I join forces with a slimy little creature like you.”

In the next instant, a small gray wolf stood where Keller did. When he started forward, Toren took three steps and shifted into the big black wolf Katee recognized.

The two wolves met and battled. Katee could not bear to watch them fighting, so she turned and headed to the SUV, climbing into the back seat. As she settled on the bench seat, she heard a roar as Toren stood over the gray wolf. A moment later, the other wolves of the pack raised their snouts to the sky and joined him in a wolf song of victory.

Duck gave a few whoops and then walked to the back of the SUV. Opening the door, he looked at her and said, “You might want to lie down so you don’t make Toren jealous enough so he kills the entire pack.”

She understood a moment later, when Toren shifted before grabbing a t-shirt and pair of sweatpants from Duck. Knowing the rest of the men would be naked when they shifted, Katee turned around and faced the front seat. She heard the men talking softly as they accepted clothing and dressed. A moment later, the door on the other side of the SUV opened and Toren moved into view before turning and addressing his men.

“You all did well,” Toren said. “Thank you for your devotion to your pack, and your queen, even though you don’t know her all that well. Now let’s go home and eat. I’m sure Clarey has fixed us a feast.”

“What about Keller and their SUVs?” Duck asked.

“Throw him over the edge. Take the SUVs into the city and leave them unlocked and with the keys in them in a badneighborhood,” Toren said.

“Yes, Alpha,” Duck responded before assigning men to deal with that little chore.

Finally, Toren slid into the back seat of the SUV and turned his attention to her. “Dancer.”

Katee threw herself across the seat at him and began to cry. “I’m sorry. I had no idea any of this would happen. I thought you were just being overprotective in telling me I couldn’t go into town alone.”

Toren caught her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her onto his lap and holding her carefully. “I’m sorry. I should have explained the situation with Keller better. But it’s all over, and you’re back in my arms. It’s all over.”

Katee was so overwhelmed by everything that happened in the past few hours, she couldn’t stop crying. Burying her face in Toren’s chest, she sobbed, unable to ask any of the questions that were burning the back of her throat, the most important being if he still wanted her for a mate.

Chapter Nine

Toren held his mate securely, not worrying about putting her in a seat and belting her in. There was no way he would let her go, even if Duck somehow managed to get them in an accident, which he knew the man wouldn’t do.

By the time they parked in front of the pack house, Katee had finally stopped crying and was simply lying in his arms, limp as a wet rag. Duck handed him a box of tissues he’d gotten from somewhere before the man climbed out and left them alone.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

“Shh, dancer. It’s all right. I know you didn’t mean to get yourself kidnapped. You didn’t know about Keller. I’m sorry I didn’t explain the dangers of being my mate. I’m sorry I didn’t listen when you said you needed to get out of here.”

“You won’t send me away, will you?” Katee asked, lifting her head and looking at him through the bright light provided by all the security lights being on.

Toren blinked. “Of course not. You are my mate, my other half, my private dancer. I may not be able to let you out of my sight for a while, and if youreallyneed to go to town without me, you’ll need to take a couple of the men with you to keep you safe.”

“I understand.”

Her acceptance came quickly and seemed sincere. Toren brushed a kiss on the top of her head. He then wiped her face and helped her blow her nose. He knew he was being overprotective and she would no doubt push back well before he was ready to lighten up, but for now, he would keep her close.

“Ready to go inside?” he asked gently.

She nodded. Then shook her head. Then nodded again, snuggling closer into his chest.

“They won’t hate me, will they?”

“Of course they won’t hate you. You are my mate. Once they get to know you, they’ll love you, nearly as much as I do.” Toren brushed a kiss on her head.
