Page 5 of Noah

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Chapter Three

I swiftly moved through the emergency department, flowing with staff traffic by the flash of my badge. I recognized three nurses at the counter, only disliking one of them, and approached the one who liked me the most.

“Hi, Esme,” I greeted her, not giving her a chance to flirt or reply. “Nina and Ben brought in a young guy. Cardiac arrest. Any word?”

She blushed. If I hadn’t sworn off women, I might have been flattered. Instead, I really just wanted to know what I could do to help Avery. “I think Rachel might know. I just came from a break. It’s nice to see you. Is that a new tattoo?”

I didn’t have time for flirting, but I knew I’d need Esme to get some information about Sean, so I smiled kindly at her. The bustle of activity swirled around us, and I turned to my left while thinking of my next step. I caught Avery and Jesse in my periphery and smiled at them. I needed to ask someone for scrubs because the poor thing was still in Sean’s underwear. Avery’s eyes widened when our gaze met. I left Esme and walked to Avery and Jesse, both of them looking up at me helplessly.

“I’m glad you agreed to get checked out, Avery. You’re in good hands.” I winked at Esme behind the counter, signaling my departure from her flirtation. “I’ll find out what I can about Sean and check in with you before I head back to the fire department.” I extended my right hand to Jesse, his grasp strong. He approached the nurse’s desk to check in Avery when I set off to bleed my heart all over my sleeve and find out whatever I could about Sean.

I tried to track down Esme again, but she was too flustered to communicate, and Ben wasn’t around anymore. After a quick call to the fire station, I let my boss know I needed to stay.

“Where’s your heart, Rossi?” He snickered, reminding me to keep my phone on vibrate and ring so I wouldn’t miss any emergencies. I was in the hospital; emergencies were life in that moment.

I caught Esme coming from the surgical elevators, her skin faded and eyes wide. She twirled the string of her ID card mindlessly while walking through the hall toward me.

“Hi, Esme,” I whispered, sensing her angst. “Did you find out anything?”

“Noah,” she choked, shaking her head and staring at the fluorescent lights above us. When her eyes fell back to mine, I waited for her reply even though my patience was thin. “Ben and Nina left like an hour ago. I asked Rachel for you, and I was just up in surgery.”

“And?” I pressed, taking one step closer. Esme continued to twirl her badge, her blue eyes flickering everywhere but me. I didn’t know what it was about my mermaid, but everyone’s stare seemed to fall right to her, like the siren she was. I pulled down my sleeves, hoping to get Esme’s attention once more.

She wiped her nose on the cuff of her shirt, and her eyes met mine. “The one you brought in. He’s in there now.” The one. That’s exactly what the doctors and I called Jade, but my reason was to marry her years ago, not to detach like the doctors would do. They called me the one too, right before they came out to talk to me. Is this the one? Is he the one? Avery’s nightmare was mine, and that’s why my weak heart was broadcasting itself around me like a damn megaphone.

“All I know is that he’s in surgery,” Esme replied. “It’s not looking good right now, but they’re working on him. Excuse me.” Esme slipped past me, and I dropped to the wall, holding my right hand against my left bicep. I was trying to cover my heart, get myself grounded, and not let my past boil over, but it was Jade’s tattoo that I reached for, hoping it would anchor me into something positive.

Esme was back at the nurse’s station when I returned to the waiting area, but Avery and Jesse were gone. The rush of morning emergencies slowed, so Esme’s attention was redirected to Rachel and their mutual coffees once I approached their desk.

“Noah.” Rachel winked at me. She actually winked, like I would jump over the desk and seduce her after that morning.

I smiled because I wasn’t a complete jerk. “I came in this morning with a woman whose boyfriend is in surgery now. I can’t find her anywhere, and I promised I’d say goodbye.”

Rachel’s mouth twisted while she stared at me, giving Esme a moment to slip a sticky note across the counter.


Pushing up the sleeves of my thermal, I hesitantly wrapped my fingers on the doorknob. I could hear women talking inside, even Avery, and I hated to interrupt, but I kept my word and came back…even though I didn’t have anything to answer the demands of her heart.

I knocked lightly, the panel opening quickly with a small brunette at its command. She looked at me expectantly, but it was the blonde at Avery’s side who captivated my attention. The other one tapped her foot, pulling my focus back to Avery.

“Hi, Avery,” I uttered softly, trying not to startle her. “I haven’t heard anything yet. All I know is they took Sean from the emergency room and into surgery. I have to go to the fire department now.” I felt the little one’s eyes on my arm, laughing to myself as I imagined what her thoughts would be when her gaze wandered a little more to see my mermaid wasn’t wearing a top.

Avery was nestled on the mattress, wrapped in linens from the stale room. I was going to smack the hell out of whoever took their sweet-ass time bringing her scrubs.

“Who are you?” Blondie stepped from the bed and held her hand an inch from my chest, distracting my farewell. This one was trouble.

“Noah,” Avery mumbled. Arms wrapped around Avery, their other friend scooted closer to her on the bed, resting her chin on Avery’s shoulder.

“Noah,” I acknowledged Blondie, politely shaking her hand. Her skin was incredibly soft. I almost felt guilty touching it. “I’m one of the paramedics who went to Avery and Sean’s.”

“Did you see him?” the friend cocooning Avery questioned, and as I looked to Avery before replying, I struggled to take my eyes from Blondie. I quietly shook my head and glanced away, biting my top lip to refrain from looking back at her. I turned to Avery, my hand on the doorknob.

“He’s in good hands.” I didn’t think my attempt to reassure her would help, but it was the only truth I could give Avery in that moment.

I stood outside of her room, my back against the door, while I composed myself. It was like my nightmare all over again; this time Avery was the one with questions, the one with the dying love. Their conversation resumed while I stood there, debating whether to pester Esme or go hug my dog.

“Holy hotness,” I heard Blondie mumble near the door. I felt my mouth twitch, but I resisted the smile.
