Page 51 of Noah

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We smiled at anyone who watched the departure, our hands frantic against our bodies as soon as we were alone. I spun Lizzie around, pressing her against the wall.

“I take a lot of elevators to help people,” I breathed against her throat, gliding my tongue along the trail of goosebumps. “That means,” I paused, lifting her left thigh to my hip and tickling my fingers along her skin at the hem of her dress, “I know how to stop them.”

“You’re terrible, mermaid.” Lizzie’s laugh was a purr of seduction that, when finished swirling in my mind, left my skin heightened.

Grinning, and trying to contain the explosion brewing in my body, I pressed the button to stall the elevator. We had ten minutes. Ten glorious, incredible minutes together.

I lifted her other leg around my hips, pushing mine forward to stabilize her against the wall while her arms knotted around my shoulders. I nipped her neck, melting against her as she bit my lip, her mischievous fingers finding their way to my fly.

“Did I tell you,” she paused, eyes on the ceiling as she nestled on top of me, taking in a deep breath that followed a shiver, “I love you tonight?”

I thrust my hips forward, pressing my fingertips into her hips. I was already climbing to the top, each sway of her against me destroying my existence. “Tell me again.”

Small beads of sweat tickled her throat as I groaned into her ear, calling out for her to release with me. Lizzie’s arms tightened around my neck, lifting her body higher, moving faster. “I love you,” she cried, coming undone against me inside the stalled elevator.

I guided her down from above me, still sandwiched against the elevator wall, taking one hand to her thigh while the other held the back of her neck. Pressing my lips to hers, my tongue devouring what remained of our experience, I told her I loved her. I knew I always would.
